⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Storage solutions for our home (Top May)

the best storage solutions for your home
Do you want to know the best trick to multiply the available space in your home? Without a doubt, it consists of taking advantage of every gap, no matter how small it may seem. In this article you will find the best storage solutions to take advantage of every corner of your home.

As small as it may seem, a hole can become a practical storage solution. If we add up all the holes and wasted corners that we have in our home, we can gain quite a few extra meters. To get the most out of them, don’t miss these storage tips and tricks.

Tips to save space at home

  • Do not rule out any gap however small it may seem. You will always find an object that adapts to its size and you can store in it.
  • You will most likely have to find one. tailor-made solution to make the most of space. These solutions usually have a higher economic cost, although you can always do them yourself and save a lot of money.
  • The folding furniture They are ideal for those small gaps where a standard size would not fit.
  • To get the most out of your corners, first think what you can store in it and check that it actually fits. It is of little use to place shelves in a hole if nothing fits in them, it is better to look for another alternative option (hanger, drawers…).
  • Remember that storage and order go hand in hand. If you implement a Subconscious Ordination you will need to accumulate less and you will always have everything in order. In this link you will learn more about what it is and how to apply the Subconscious Ordination.

take advantage of spaces and gaps

Take advantage of spaces in small flats

In the living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom… the following ideas will help you find the best storage solution in each case.

Multiply the useful space of the living room

Never miss out on distance between two pillars. You can turn it into a small library by placing shelves or a bookcase.

how to decorate a small living room with light colors

Another option is to place a ladder bookcase. This type of shelving can be easily relocated because it is very light. In addition, by having the shelves with different depths, they take advantage of the space more efficiently. In this link you will find the plans and step by step to make a ladder shelf like the one in the following image.

ladder shelf as a storage solution

Take advantage of small spaces in the kitchen

In the case of the kitchen, you can take advantage of any space, no matter how small. For example, a gap between two pieces of furniture of just a few centimeters and that can be used perfectly to store trays, the cutting board or the lids of the pots.

Other extra storage solutions for the kitchen are the gaps that remain behind some built-in appliances (such as the microwave). As well as, the space that is usually around the entrance door.

Gain meters in the bedroom

In the bedroom, storage space is essential to store all the clothes, footwear, bedding… For this reason, an extra surface is always needed. In addition to the typical chest or drawers for the bed, consider making a structure with drawers to make better use of the space that is usually under the bed.

Another option is to take advantage of the gaps around the window. On the other hand, placing wall cabinets above the bed is ideal for storing what we use the least, such as out-of-season clothes.

bathroom storage tips

The bathroom is one of the places in the house where we can best take advantage of small corners. This is because the objects that we usually store in it are usually small and fit perfectly.

  • A practical and discreet solution for storing toilet paper rolls is to place a shelf above the door.
  • We can also take advantage of the hole that is usually under the bathtub to place a custom-made piece of furniture. It is a way to optimize a space that is usually hollow.
  • The shelves above the toilet are also very practical. Their main advantage is that they can be adapted to every nook and cranny of the wall.

Extra storage space in the hallway or stairwell

The hallway or stairwell is a space with a lot of potential, for example an organizer board can be placed on the wall. You can see the step by step to make one like the one in the following image in this link.

pegboard as a storage solution

You can get a lot of use out of it hole under the stairs with custom boxes or drawers. Also, if the staircase is wide enough, you can take advantage of it to place a container cabinet that takes advantage of this space.

what did you think of these storage solutions to get the most out of every corner and hole in your home? You just have to take action and get down to work to take advantage of the full potential of these small spaces.

If you liked this post, you can find many more guides on home organization and DIY projects at

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