15 tricks with cornstarch that you should know


To the ecological products that should not be missing in your home and that are baking soda, white vinegar and lemon, you have to add a fourth: cornstarch or fine cornmeal. For me it has been a great discovery and I am sure that you will also be surprised with these 15 tricks with cornstarch for the home that you should know.

Until recently, I was unaware of other uses of cornstarch beyond the culinary ones: as an ingredient for making desserts and to thicken sauces. First I discovered that it could also be used to make paint (you can see the recipe at this link) and now I have been able to verify that it can also be very useful as an ecological and household cleaner. don’t miss these tricks with cornstarch because I am sure that from now on you will get much more out of the fine cornmeal.

1º.- Ecological window cleaner with cornstarch


They say that there is nothing better to clean the crystals And it must be true because this is one of the most popular cornstarch hacks. To do this, mix a cup of vinegar, another of water, two tablespoons of cornstarch and a squeeze of lemon, then moisten a cloth with this solution and clean the crystals with it. To finish, pass a piece of newspaper and they will be shiny.

2º.- Cornstarch to eliminate the bad smell of footwear


Like bicarbonate cornstarch is also used to eliminate the bad smell of footwear (You can see how to remove it with baking soda at this link). Cornstarch is capable of absorbing the fungi and bacteria that are the cause of the bad smell of footwear, to do this, sprinkle the interior with cornstarch and leave it to act overnight, the next day remove the remains with the vacuum cleaner and goodbye to bad smells.

3º.- Cornstarch to remove stains from upholstery and carpets


Imagine the scene: summer… hot… you are eating a delicious cornete on the sofa and wham! you drop a piece of chocolate on the upholstery that leaves a horrible stain. Thanks to cornstarch you can remove the typical food and grease stains that accidentally occur on upholstery and carpets. To do this you must make a paste with a quarter of a cup of milk and 4 tablespoons cornstarch, cover the stain with a thick layer and leave it overnight, this will make the stain solidify and can be easily removed by removing the paste and passing the Vacuum cleaner.

4º.- To remove blood stains from clothes


Cornstarch is also very effective for remove stubborn blood stains from clothes, to do this you must make a paste with four tablespoons of cornstarch and a quarter cup of water, rub the stain with a little of this paste, cover it with the rest and let it dry for about 15 minutes in the sun. When you remove the paste, the stain will disappear, although if there are still traces, repeat the process until there is no trace left.

5º.- To remove ink stains


I would have liked to have known this trick before (my boy is a specialist in staining his shirts with ink). Thanks to cornstarch you can remove ink stains without discoloring fabricsTo do this, mix five tablespoons of cornstarch with half a cup of milk, cover the stain with the resulting paste and let it dry for several hours (better overnight). The paste will absorb the ink from the fabric and make it easier to remove after washing the garment.

6º.- To remove oil and grease stains on the skin


If you have any leather item or upholstery that has been stained with oil or grease, you can easily remove it blot the stain with cornstarchTo do this, sprinkle the area with it and leave it overnight.

7º.- Cornstarch as a dry cleaner for clothes


This is one of the tricks with cornstarch that will save you the most money because if you have any garment that has to be to dry-clean, cornstarch will help you remove dirt and deodorize it without having to go through the dry cleaners. To do this, you must place the garment inside a plastic bag (better if it has a zipper), add two cups of cornstarch and stir everything to make sure that the garment is completely covered. Let it sit overnight and the next day remove the cornstarch with a vacuum cleaner at minimum power, in this way you will remove all the dirt.

8º.- Cornstarch to polish silver


Make a paste with 4 tablespoons of cornstarch and a quarter cup of water, rub the silver with it and wait for it to dry, then wipe with a clean, dry cloth to polish and restore shine to all your silver objects.

9º.- Brighten the furniture with cornstarch


If you want your furniture is shiny You just have to dilute a tablespoon of cornstarch in a cup of water and moisten a cloth with this mixture. Then pass it over the surface of the furniture and let it act for a few minutes. Finally pass a dry and clean cloth, you will see how bright they are.

10º.- Cornstarch to remove wax marks on furniture


I love giving a wax finish to furniture, so this trick is great for those wax stains that sometimes remain after waxing and are difficult to remove. To do this, you just have to sprinkle a small amount of cornstarch on the stained area and wipe with a cloth until it disappears.

11º.- Cornstarch to facilitate the ironing of clothes


make your own starch spray for ironing clothes mixing a tablespoon of cornstarch coffee in half a liter of water. Stir the mixture, put it in a sprayer and use it on difficult wrinkles, you’ll see how they disappear.

12º.- Remove mold from books


In the same way that cornstarch is capable of absorbing fungus from shoes, it is also capable of remove mold and musty smell from books. To do this, sprinkle the pages with cornstarch and let it absorb all the moisture.

13º.- Cornstarch to clean the deck


Normally when our deck of cards gets dirty and sticky we buy another one, but you have to know that you can remove the fat from the letters and make them reshuffle easily by putting them in a plastic bag with a cup of cornstarch. Stir to make sure the cornstarch penetrates each card and after a few hours clean each card with a dry cloth.

14º.- Cornstarch to eliminate the creaks of the wooden platform


If your flooring creaks when you walk on it, fill the gaps between the wooden boards with cornstarchthis will prevent friction between them and will eliminate the annoying creak.

15º.- Cornstarch to loosen knots


If you’ve been tightening a knot and now you can’t loosen it, sprinkle cornstarch on it and you’ll see how you can undo it more easily.

What do you think of these? 15 tricks with cornstarch for the home? Did you know them? Do you know any more? For me it has been a real discovery and of course cornstarch is a product that will no longer be missing in my house, although instead of being in the pantry it will be together with household products.

If you liked this post, you can see many more DIY tricks and ideas at .

Images: Pixabay.com

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