Create your perfect reading corner – 2022

If you love to read and want to create a Reading corner at home, you cannot miss this practical guide with all the keys to enjoying your favorite activity. To do this, at Habitat you can choose from a wide variety of armchairs that combine design and comfort to provide you with maximum comfort during your reading moments.

Reading can bring multiple benefits: it increases brain function, reduces stress, promotes concentration… In fact, a study from Stanford University showed that reading increases blood flow to areas of the brain related to pleasure.

For this reason, having a corner dedicated to reading at home will make you enjoy this activity much more. The following tips will help you create your ideal corner.

How to choose the perfect chair

There is no doubt that a comfortable and cozy armchair is the key piece It is a space dedicated to reading. Therefore, the best option is to opt for one that ensures maximum comfort when we spend the afternoon in front of a book.

When choosing the perfect chair for your reading corner the following must be taken into account:

  • That it is padded to provide maximum comfort for several hours.
  • It must be ergonomic and have armrests to rest your arms while reading, or to support any electronic reading device.
  • That it is upholstered with a fabric that is warm in winter and cool in summer. In this sense, upholstery fabrics outperform natural or synthetic leather. However, they stain more easily and are less resistant.

In addition, if you want to give a unique touch to the decoration of your home, you should take into account the following trends in armchairs:

  • The upholstery of armchairs and armchairs is dressed in the softness and elegance of velvet. Other fabrics that are worn are linen and terry or bouclĂ©.
  • Regarding colors, mustard stands out, which brings warmth and evokes positive feelings, and green, which provides freshness. You can also go for a more neutral tone like gray or white, which this season will be complemented with studs or trim.
  • The oblique legs are still one of the favorites when choosing our armchair, but those with only one foot will also stand out.
  • The vintage and retro style will continue to be a trend and is ideal in any room.
reading corner chair

good lighting

Lighting is another key factor. from our reading corner. Therefore, the best place to put it is next to a window. Even so, it is necessary to have auxiliary lighting to read without straining your eyes.

A floor lamp next to the armchair is the most suitable solution to illuminate your reading space. These types of lamps illuminate from above without dazzling and provide spot light wherever you place them. When you go to choose your floor lamp you should take into account the following:

  • Choose LED bulbs as they are low consumption and do not give off heat.
  • The color temperature should be daylight, white or cold (greater than or equal to 5000K), since it tires the eyes less and does not alter colors.
  • Light should come from behind to avoid reflections from electronic reading devices.
  • The lamp must have a height that exceeds the armchair, but at the same time it must not be too far away (between 1.2 and 1.5 m).
  • The floor lamps with a flexible head and a narrow screen allow the light beam to be directed in a specific way, making them ideal for reading corners.
how to light a reading corner

your little library

Although with electronic books and audiobooks the need for a space to store books has diminished, it is always convenient to have a bookstore to keep our library organized.

A bookcase should not be more than 30 cm deep. In this way, the books will fit perfectly, but it will not take up much space. Another option is to place a mini bookcase, it will be perfect for your pocket collections.

how to choose a bookcase for a reading corner

Small details that increase comfort

These little details will help you increase the comfort of your reading area:

  • A blanket or plaid to cover you in winter.
  • A rug to delimit the area visually and make it more welcoming.
  • A soft cushion for the lower back.
  • A small side table to leave a cup of coffee on.
  • Some plants to purify the air.
how to create a cozy reading corner

Children’s reading corner

Let’s not forget the little ones in the house. Encouraging reading in childhood favors emotional and psychological development. In addition, it stimulates imagination, creativity and fun.

Perhaps the most effective method for getting your children to read is for them to see you read. If you create a corner for yourself, surely they will also want their own in their room.

children's reading corner

Inspiring reading corners

Now that you know the essential elements to have an area where you can read your favorite books, all you have to do is shape it. No matter if your style is traditional, contemporary or eclectic, rest assured that there is an armchair for you.

You don’t even need to have a lot of space. A couple of square meters in the living room, bedroom or in your favorite corner will be more than enough.

how to create a reading zone

I hope this practical guide on how to create a reading corner help you enjoy more of your leisure hours. Do not forget that you can find many more guides on DIY and decoration on and on .

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