Decorate a children’s room that grows with your child without spending too much

Don’t you know how to decorate your child’s room so that it doesn’t get too small after a short time? Would you like to get the most out of the money invested in it? This guide will show you the keys to decorate a children’s room. You will make it perfect for a long time and your pocket will appreciate it.

When decorating the baby’s room, many times it is not taken into account that it is a stage that passes quickly. In a short time, your needs change and you have to invest again in furniture and decoration. It doesn’t make much sense to spend too much money on something to change it in a couple of years. For this reason, the following tips will help you create a children’s room that grows at the same rate as your child.

Apply the 20/80 rule

The 20/80 rule in decoration It is ideal for applying it to children’s bedrooms. This rule consists of investing 80% of the budget in timeless elements and the remaining 20% ​​in cheap and easily replaceable elements.

Within 80% furniture would be included and 20% would include:

  • Textiles (bed linen, cushion covers, rugs…)
  • The decoration of the walls: painting, decorative vinyl, paintings or prints
  • Small decorative elements such as lamps, objects for the shelf, toys, etc.

decorate the walls of a children's room

Furniture that grows with them

The convertible cribs They are a good solution to make the investment in furniture profitable. Some models incorporate different modules that are easily transformed:

  • The cradle in a bed that can last several years
  • The changing table in a practical chest of drawers or bedside table to store your clothes
  • A desk to do homework when I go to school

This type of furniture requires a higher initial investment than if you buy a crib and a changing table separately, but it certainly pays off in a short time. On the other hand, to adapt it to the different stages of your children, they can be decorated with children’s vinyl. These are very cheap and are easily replaced by others more in line with their age at any time.

decorate the crib with children's vinyl

Neutral colors

The choice of neutral colors such as white, gray or beige tones will make the room not look too childish over the years. So that it is not boring, take note of the following tips:

  • White furniture adapts to any style and is always a trend. You can also easily combine it with prints and other decoration elements.
  • Although the wall paint is one of the elements that you can modify without ruining it, it is recommended to choose a washable paint that is in the gray range. In this way, it will better withstand the pranks of the little ones. We all know that they love to put their hands on the wall or even draw on them.
  • Lean on accessories to give the bedroom the style you are looking for: romantic, sailor, Nordic, classic, etc. Small decorative objects and textiles will be the key to doing it.

children's room with neutral tones

timeless prints

If you are going to put wallpaper on a wall, choose a timeless print such as stripes, chevrons, or polka dots. Paper is more expensive than paint and also more difficult to install and change, so it is an element that you do not want to be renewing every so often.

For the same reason, choose resistant papers that are washable. In this link you will find a guide on wallpaper that will help you to know which is the most appropriate for the children’s room.

decorate a children's room with a classic paper

Decorate with accessories

In addition to stuffed animals and small objects, take advantage of the your kids accessories to decorate your room. For example, some booties or stuffed animals on a shelf will set the children’s room. Over the years they can be replaced by accessories from their favorite sports: skates, a ball, a racket, etc.

In this way, it is possible to have ordered objects that you use regularly and integrate them into the decoration.

decorate baby room

What is essential and what is not so much

There are elements of your children’s bedroom that you will need yes or yes depending on their age. However, there are others that you can do without or adapt them as they grow. Knowing what to buy and what not to buy will help you save a lot of money.

  • Cradle and/or bed. As mentioned above, if you choose a transformable crib you will have this need covered for many years.
  • Changer. Placing a changing table on a dresser is more practical than a piece of furniture dedicated exclusively to this purpose.
  • Wardrobe and storage furniture. An adult closet has more depth than is necessary for baby clothes. In this sense, it is recommended to adapt a bookcase that can later be used to store books and school accessories.
  • Rocking chair. It will be essential when your child is a baby, but what to do with it when he grows up? In this sense, you have two options: buy a cheap rocking chair or choose a model that you can transform into a chair and reuse for your desk.
  • Rug. It is an inexpensive accessory that will be very practical when your baby begins to crawl. Also as a soft base for his games when he is older.
  • Curtains or blinds. They are essential to nuance and control the light that enters your room. It is not convenient for them to be totally opaque, but if you do not have blinds, you will have to look for a mixed solution that allows you to regulate their intensity.

decorate a timeless children's room

By following these tips you will get decorate a children’s room so that it grows at the same rate as your children. It will undoubtedly mean a great saving of money in the medium and long term.

You can find many more decoration guides and DIY projects at

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