Tips to organize your house

Surely many will take advantage of this festive Friday to go away for a few days and enjoy the good weather, or to stay at home and rest. Personally I am going to occupy it in what I call the «wash-iron-save-take out» end of season. If you too are in the throes of compulsive ordination, don’t miss these tips to organize your house.

Create your Space Optimization Plan


Do not fool yourself cabinets do not shrink, we are the ones who tend to fill them with huge amounts of clothes and objects that many times we don’t even know are there. For this reason, the first step in organizing your home is to have a Space Optimization Plan.

know all the keys to create your Space Optimization Plan in this link.

Do not underestimate any corner


No matter how small that hole or corner is, there is sure to be a storage solution to take advantage of it. Don’t underestimate the space that is between pillars or on the door frame, the space under the stairs or the one that is on the sides of a window, etc., are places with great potential when it comes to getting extra storage.

You can see ideas to take advantage of holes and corners in this link.

Right on


If, for example, you store objects in boxes, not just any box will do, but it must be the one that best suits the object and the place where it is going to be stored. Look for containers that make the most of depth and height of the closet or bookcase, and that also adapt to the volume and particular characteristics of that object. If you can’t find them (something that usually happens) tune and adapt the container or do it yourself!

In this link you can see shoe storage ideas making the most of the available space.

Sort and classify


Maybe you have a prodigious memory and it works for you but it is not always like that (I say this from experience), especially when what we are going to store is going to be there for a long time. A clear example is when we change clothes from one season to another, do not do it in a messy way and without knowing what you put in each box, organize by garments, by colors, use identification labels… it will save you time when you want to locate a certain garment and money since you will avoid buying repeated things.

You can see more tips for storing clothes with the change of season at this link.

divide and conquer


Do not try to organize your house in a day or a week because the only thing you will get is frustration (especially when there is a lot to order). Imagine that your house is a puzzle, divided by rooms and within them subdivided (a box, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe…), each subdivision is a piece of the puzzle and you must fit them together until you complete it. The more pieces there are, the more time you will invest but also the greater the satisfaction once you are finished.

Have fun!


I have to admit that I particularly like and it relaxes me to order things but you may hate it deeply. Usually when we don’t like a task we put it off until we can’t do it anymore.a trick to avoid reaching this point is combine that task with others that we do like. For example, you can organize your house and at the same time listen to music, dance or sing if it is your passion. You can also alternate an hour of organization with half an hour of reading that interesting book that has you hooked, or watch your favorite movie or series afterwards… The important thing is that you strike a balance between what you like to do and what you don’t.

I hope that all these tips help you organize your home and to create a more practical and efficient home, I am going to start right now with «wash-iron-save-take out» to the rhythm of my favorite music 🙂

If you liked this post, you can find many more ideas for the home at .

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