16 tricks to iron less and save money

tips to iron less and save money

Do you hate ironing? These 16 tricks to iron less They will help you reduce the time you spend on this tedious task. You will also save money because if you reduce the ironing time, you will consume less energy and lower the amount of your electricity bill.

Did you know that the iron is one of the appliances that more energy consumed per minute? This reason alone is more than enough to try to minimize ironing time as much as possible. With these tricks to iron less, you will get the clothes not to wrinkle as much and you will spend less time in front of the iron. In this way you will be able to dedicate your time to other more rewarding tasks and you will also save a little money on your energy bill, what more could you ask for?

1.- Do not load the washing machine to the top

It has always been said that to save water and energy, you have to make the most of the capacity of the washing machine. But it is also a fact that the more you fill the drum, the worse the clothes will be washed, the more wrinkled they will come out and the more energy they will spend ironing them.

tricks to iron less clothes

For this reason, when loading the washing machine, it is leave a free space (approximately a span), between the clothes and the top of the drum.

2.- Do not abuse the spin

The faster the spin, the more wrinkled your laundry will end up. A spin at 600 rpm it can reduce humidity by up to 40% and will prevent the formation of those deep wrinkles that are so difficult to eliminate.

3.- The drum of the washing machine is not a cabinet

The drum of the washing machine is not a cupboard or the basket of freshly washed clothes. Not only will you end up smelling musty if several hours pass between the end of the wash and the time you hang it up, but it will come out much more wrinkled.

tips to iron less

To avoid this, calculate that you will have the necessary time to hang the clothes as soon as the washing is finished or select a wash cycle that leaves it soaking until you can spin it and hang it up.

4.- Miraculous vinegar

Vinegar is a powerful softener Very effective in areas where the water is hard and with a high presence of calcium and magnesium salts.

tricks to iron less with vinegar

Add a splash of vinegar to the fabric softener box and don’t worry about the smell it may leave on your clothes as it is eliminated by drying. You can also learn how to make homemade fabric softener at this link.

5.- Do not wrinkle before washing

Do not make a ball with the clothes before putting them in the drum as this will only make them more wrinkled. In the case of pants, it is effective to fold the pants in half, joining the legs and roll them from the waist to the feet, placing an elastic band so that they do not unroll during washing.

In this way you will avoid those wrinkles that form in some pants and that are sometimes impossible to eliminate.

6.- The art of laying

At the time of hanging the clothes stretch and shake clothes and place the tweezers in the seams, leaving enough space between the garments to ventilate and dry better.

tricks to iron less and hang clothes better

7.- Do not pile up clothes when you pick them up

If when you pick up the clothes you put them in a pile, it will only get more wrinkled. To avoid this, the ideal solution is to place it on a hanger until you can iron it, or failing that, fold it as if you were going to store it.

8.- Iron wet clothes

Don’t wait for the clothes to be completely dry and stiff, take advantage of them when they are still a little damp to iron them. It will look great with less effort and much faster.

9.- Freshly ironed

Do not fold freshly ironed clothes as the heat from the garment will cause the folds to show through.

tips to iron less

10.- Accumulate clothes

The greatest energy consumption of the iron occurs as soon as it is connected and until it reaches the temperature that we have programmed for it. For this reason it is cheaper to iron one hour a week than 10 minutes every day.

11.- Take advantage of the daily shower

The steam will help remove wrinkles from your finer garments. Put that shirt or t-shirt on a hanger and hang it as close to the shower as possible.

tips to iron less

The garment will become damp with water vapor and gain weight, causing it to stretch and almost completely lose wrinkles. This trick works great when you’re traveling and don’t have an iron.

12.- From less to more

When you store folded clothes, always place the most delicate and lightest garments on top of the rest.

13.- Make the most of the heat

While the iron reaches the temperature, start ironing the less wrinkled clothes since this way you will not waste energy.

tips to iron less

It will also help you save electricity if you unplug it before ironing the last garment, as this way you will take advantage of the residual heat.

14.- Go slowly, I’m in a hurry

If you pass the iron slowly through the clothes, you will be able to remove the wrinkles with just one pass.

15.-Do not neglect the iron

Keep the soleplate of your iron clean and free of limescale to make the most of its power. Make a baking soda paste and rub the soleplate of the iron with a towel or cloth. To clean the steam outlet holes, use an ear swab.

16.- Do not miss aluminum foil

Take the cover off the ironing board and line it with aluminum foil, then put the cover back on. In this way you will get it to retain more heat and you will finish before ironing.

Don’t miss these other tricks with aluminum foil.

tricks to iron less with aluminum foil

what did you think of these 16 tricks to iron less? Do you know any more? As you have seen, they can be easily put into practice and not only will they allow you to make better use of your time, but they will also help you save energy and money.

If you liked this post, you can see many more tricks and guides at .

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