19 Mouthwash Tricks You Should Know

mouthwash tricks

A bottle of mouthwash should never be missing from your home, as well as helping to keep your teeth and gums healthy, it has other uses that you are sure to be unaware of and that will surprise you. don’t miss these 19 tricks with mouthwash that will get you out of more than one trouble.

Mouthwash has antiseptic and antifungal properties that make it ideal for other uses apart from oral hygiene. Its ingredients include fluoride for its anti-caries efficacy, menthol for its refreshing action and others with an antiseptic effect such as chlorhexidine, cetylpyridinium chloride, hexetidine and triclosan.

There are many brands and formats on the market: alcohol-free, especially sensitive teeth and gums, total care, etc. I advise buying a bottle of some white label that does not contain alcohol to give it the uses that you can see below.

Tips with mouthwash for personal hygiene

1.- Prevent dandruff with mouthwash

mouthwash tricks

The antifungal properties of mouthwash are also very useful for prevent dandruff. To do this you must mix water and mouthwash (half and half) in a container. Wash your hair with your usual shampoo and, once rinsed, pour the mixture and let it act for a few minutes. After that time, rinse again and you can say goodbye to dandruff.

2.- To drive away lice

Lice can’t stand the smell of mentholApplying mouthwash will not eliminate them completely, but you will prevent them from getting close to your children’s heads. Spray the hair with a solution of water and mouthwash (in halves) to achieve this.

3.- Substitute for facial toner

If you’ve run out facial tonic you must moisten a towel in mouthwash and apply on the face, you will refresh your skin instantly.

4.- Substitute for deodorant

mouthwash tricks

I do not recommend using it regularly but to get you out of trouble when you have run out of deodorant, for this Apply a cotton ball soaked in mouthwash to your armpits.

5.- Mouthwash for foot fungus

To treat the toenail fungus mix in a container mouthwash and white vinegar (half and half). Moisten a cotton ball and apply this mixture on the affected nail 2 or 3 times a day. If you are persistent you will begin to see the results after a couple of weeks.

For him athlete’s foot directly apply cotton moistened in mouthwash 2 or 3 times a day. In a short time the area will improve.

On the other hand, if what you want is refresh your feet after a long walk, put them in a basin with water in which you will have poured 2 or 3 capfuls of rinse.

6.- For penetrating odors

There are very pungent odors such as onion, garlic or fish that can last in your hands for several hours when you handle this type of food. To avoid this, rub your hands with a little mouthwash.

Tricks with dental rinse for wounds

7.- Mouthwash as a healing agent

mouthwash tricks

Have you had your ears pierced or pierced? Mouthwash will help you the area does not get infected as it heals correctlyTo do this, soak a cotton ball and apply it several times a day.

8.- To relieve burns

Directly apply the rinse on the burned part With the help of cotton, it will help relieve pain and facilitate healing.

9.- To soothe insect bites

mouthwash tricks

Applying mouthwash will calm the inflammation and itching that causes insect bites.

10.- To avoid bruising after a blow

This trick will come in handy if you are one of those who get bruised right away. When you get hit, immediately apply mouthwash to prevent and reduce the appearance of hematoma.

On the other hand, remember that prevention is always preferable to cure, so do not miss this link to avoid homemade accidents at home.

Cleaning tricks with mouthwash

11.- To clean the toothbrush

mouthwash tricks

Seems obvious right? If it works for oral hygiene, why won’t it work for clean your toothbrush? Leave it overnight to soak in a glass of mouthwash to eliminate bacteria that accumulate on the brush.

12.- To deodorize the bottles

Sometimes the refillable plastic bottles acquire an unpleasant smell, to eliminate it pour a part of mouthwash and 3 of water. Let it act all night so that the smell is eliminated.

13.- To clean the tiles

Mix 2 cups of water with 1/2 cup of mouthwash, soak a sponge and scrub the tiles. Not only will you clean them, but you will leave them shiny.

14.- Mouthwash to prevent the formation of mold in the toilet

mouthwash tricks

To prevent mold from forming in the toilet bowl, pour a cup of mouthwash and let it sit for an hour. Then use the brush to clean the inside of the cup and the mold will disappear.

15.- To clean the glass

Moisten a cloth and add a little mouthwash, then wipe it over the crystals and dry with kitchen paper.

Tricks at home with mouthwash

16.- To prevent garbage from smelling bad

With the heat, the rubbish begins to smell immediately, to avoid it, place a few cotton balls soaked in mouthwashin this way it will hold you until the night without odors.

17.- To deodorize footwear

mouthwash tricks

Fill a spray bottle with mouthwash and spray the inside of your shoes and sneakers every time you take them off. In this way you will prevent the formation of bacteria that cause the bad smell.

In this link you will find another trick to get rid of the bad smell of shoes.

18.- To keep your flowers fresh

mouthwash tricks

Pour 3 tablespoons of mouthwash per half a book of water so that your fresh cut flowers stay fresh for longer.

You can also spray a mixture of 1 part mouthwash and 3 parts water on your plants, it will help eliminate mold and fungus that forms on the leaves.

19.- To keep insects and animals away

In addition to lice, there are other insects and animals that do not like mouthwash:

– Mix water and mouthwash (half and half) and spray around the possible hiding places of the mice to drive them away.
– Pour the mouthwash directly into a spray bottle and spray around the room before going to bed to ward off bugs mosquitoes.
– Eliminate the ants with a mixture of water and mouthwash in equal parts.
– Spray 1 cup of water with 3 tablespoons of mouthwash on the areas that your cat tends to mark or on furniture you don’t want scratched.

did you know these mouthwash tricks? Had it occurred to you to use it for something other than oral hygiene? Now you know that it has a lot of uses and that you can get much more out of it.

If you liked this post, you can find many more tricks and DIY projects at .

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