7 very common decoration mistakes

I have always liked the decor, I can spend hours looking at images of different rooms and analyzing every detail, studying distributions, upholstery combinations, etc. However, all this does not mean that we do not commit decoration mistakes. Surely you have ever wondered what you were thinking that day you decided to buy that piece of furniture that now you don’t know where to put it.

As you can learn a lot from mistakes, I leave you the most common decorating mistakes that surely we have all committed at some time.

1. Choose the paint for the walls in the store and not at home. Many times we see on the internet, in a magazine or in the paint store a color that we fall in love with or that is the latest trend and we start buying it by the kilo. It is a mistake not to take into account the particular characteristics of our home (space, distribution, luminosity, upholstery, decoration…), when choosing the painting of the walls and ceilings. There are many paint colors with different shades and nuances, and each one of them has a different look in each house, so before choosing a paint color, make sure that it is the one that best suits your home, trying several samples. on the wall if necessary.

2. Saturate the space. The same as you, your furniture needs to breathe, it is essential that they have enough space to move easily around them. Learn to give up It’s a mistake to shoehorn your furniture just because it looks good in the store. Study other options that are better suited to your space: a folding table in the kitchen, a 135 cm bed instead of 150 cm, a two-seater sofa instead of a three-seater with a chaise longue, etc.

3.- Clone a trend. The different decorative styles must serve as a inspiration to create our own personal spaces. It is a mistake to “clone” a trend by placing the same decorative objects, furniture, upholstery, etc., that we have seen in another home since it will subtract personality and character from ours. Learn to interpret a style and to reflect your own personality in it, do not forget that your house is not a magazine, your house is to live and has adapted to your style and your family.

4.- Do not create a single point of service. When it comes to putting on makeup, we have always been told to highlight our eyes or our smile, not all at once. The same thing happens with decoration, if we put a lot of striking, spectacular or daring pieces in the same room, we will achieve that none of them stand out enough and that they lose decorative effect. It’s better to try create a single center of attention and that the rest of the decorative elements enhance it instead of overshadowing it.

5.- Mix styles without rhyme or reason. It is a mistake not to follow the same decorative continuity throughout our house, it is confusing to have a minimalist living room, a rustic kitchen, an oriental-inspired bathroom and a shabby chic bedroom in just a few meters. We must be very careful to mix styles and that our house does not look like a furniture store or a storage room. Carefully choose the pieces that you want to combine in each room of your house, try to create a decorative coherence throughout your home.

6.- Choose a single light source. Lighting can radically change the appearance of a room, you have to be careful not to sin by default or by excess, but also it is a mistake to base the lighting of a room on a single point of light. The fact of having light sources that come from different angles (top to bottom, bottom to top, side…), will help regulate the amount of light in the room and focus it where we need it most. For example, under the kitchen wall units to illuminate the worktop, or a floor lamp next to the sofa to create a reading corner, or a dimmable lamp for the bedside table.

7.- Neglecting the hall. In most cases, the hall is a small, dark place, full of doors and with little decorative interest, but we cannot forget that it is the presentation letter of our home. We already know how important the first impression is, so it is a mistake to take care of every detail of each room in our house and not pay a little attention to the hall. Its distribution and little space make it not an easy place to decorate, but on many occasions, only a small detail is needed to show that we have not forgotten it when decorating our home.

have you ever made these decoration mistakes? I assure you that it is, but, as I have already told you, learning from mistakes is a way of not making them again. Also, surely the decoration would not be so fun or creative, if we did not have some failure from time to time, right?

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