advantages and disadvantages and technological advances

Anyone who has furry pets knows exactly what it means to come home after a tiring day at work and see fluff rolling down the hall. At that moment, the typical western movie music plays in my head and I visualize balls of bushes prowling through the desert at the mercy of the wind…. At home we have three cats that leave us with a lot of hair and, although the affection they bring is above everything else, is there something to be done with so much hair? That “something” is called Vacuum cleaner robot.

There are many models of robot vacuum cleaners on the market and on Wikiversus they have a good list with some of the best modern robots. The price difference between one and the other is considerable, which is why I spent a lot of time reading opinions and experiences of other users before choosing the model that I finally acquired. Among the main features of my first robot vacuum cleaner were:

  • 120 minute autonomy
  • Dirt Detect Series I (Acoustic) function that allows you to find the areas with the highest density of dirt and focus on them
  • 3-stage system with AeroVac that moves dirt from the brushes to the tank for superior cleaning quality
  • AeroVac Filter
  • iAdapt navigation technology that lets you know where you are and reacts to changes in your environment, avoiding obstacles.
  • Returns to its charging base to recharge between cleaning sessions

After reading this, the first thing one thinks of is that the Vacuum cleaner robot it is a marvel of science and you will never see a fluff again in your life. The reality is not so idyllic…

robot vacuum cleaner for pet hair

How does a robot vacuum cleaner work?

The robot vacuum cleaners count on sensors that prevent you from falling down the stairs (unless you commit suicide from being bored from vacuuming the floor all day, which I can understand), or getting tangled up in the fringes of the rug.

some have accessories like the “virtual walls» that limit the space through which the robot vacuum cleaner must pass. Also exist spare parts (spare filters, rollers, etc.), which are necessary for the maintenance and correct operation of the appliance.

Its operation is as simple as pressing a button. Once it starts up, it knows where it has to go, what is dirty, what is not, where it has gone and where it has to go again. When their autonomy ends, they alone return to the base to recharge, yes, the dust container has to be emptied manually (they are not capable of disintegrating dirt and lint «ingested«).

Advantages of having a robot vacuum cleaner

his eldest advantage is that while the robot vacuum cleaner works you can be doing other things (or simply nothing!!!). Admittedly, it is a great advantage when you have little time.

Another advantage is that it sucks wellyou look at the ground against the light and you can’t see a single hair, not a lint, just a smile… (mine).

advantages of robot vacuum cleaners

Disadvantages of having a robot vacuum cleaner

Keep in mind that a robot vacuum cleaner is not a substitute for manual vacuuming lifelong, it helps you on a day-to-day basis, but at least once a week I recommend doing a more thorough manual aspiration.

Another drawback is that sometimes insists on passing and reviewing the same room for a long time. The solution I have found has been to gently guide him into another room and lock him there.

I have also detected that if the navigation system that allows it to memorize obstacles is not very precise, the robot can get stuck unless you remove the obstacle. Which makes that “connect it and forget it” is not entirely true.

Autonomy is not always two hoursdepending on how the day is going, sometimes it stays for an hour and goes back to the base to recharge (and not precisely because it has finished vacuuming the whole house).

Another drawback that I see is that it does not fit well in the corners, behind the doors and in some corners it does not fit. The only solution I have found is to go over these points with a handheld vacuum cleaner.


After using my robot vacuum cleaner for 6 months my personal opinion is that it works but not as well as it makes out. To begin with, that you leave it connected, you leave home and when you come back everything is shiny, it is not always like that, as I have already mentioned, sometimes it gets stuck with some obstacle, or it insists on spending a lot of time cleaning a room and leaving without clean up the rest.

Of course, it must be recognized that it sucks it up, it sucks it up well and that the time you spend vacuuming (something very common when you have furry pets), you can use it on other things.

To the million dollar question of yes I would buy a robot vacuum againI would surely answer yes because despite the fact that it seems that I find more inconveniences than advantages, the fact of being able to cook dinner, dine, wash, clean up and, meanwhile, the robot vacuum cleaner is gobbling up the mountains of hairs that they release the cats in the house, is a great reason not to regret the purchase.

Update: evolution of robot vacuum cleaners

Since the first robot vacuum cleaner was created in 1996 until now, this appliance has undergone a series of technological advances that have made it the most widely used device for cleaning floors worldwide. among the new features and capabilities of modern robot vacuum cleaners stand out:

  • Improved laser navigation system that allows you to map the environment, calculate the most effective cleaning route and avoid obstacles to improve the cleaning work without damaging anything.
  • Connectivity with voice control devices and smartphones. In this way, it can be programmed by zones and send notifications to your mobile phone without you being at home.
  • Some models not only vacuum, but also mop and scrub, thanks to a removable device that is placed on the bottom of the robot.
  • High-capacity batteries and more efficient electric motors that allow vacuuming more than 150 square meters at a time.
  • Artificial intelligence that makes the robot learn on its own, using its internal memory to assess where to clean next and how to do it most effectively.

modern robot vacuum cleaner

Have you ever owned a robot vacuum cleaner? Personally, I am considering upgrading mine and thus definitively forget about the inconveniences of my first robot vacuum cleaner. You can find my experience of use, as well as guides and tricks on DIY and decoration at

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