Avoid household accidents at home: tips and tricks

how to avoid home accidents

I have to confess that I am quite big handed and clumsy, I have a good collection of scars that I have earned based on tripping, recklessness and forgetfulness. At home we are all exposed to small home accidents that can affect our physical integrity, so you can not miss these tips and tricks to avoid home accidents and save you more than one disappointment.

Who hasn’t ever gotten a splinter or hit their fingers with a hammer? It is clear that if you do not do DIY work you are less likely to have this happen to you, but you are also exposed to small household accidents such as burns, slips, etc. Take note of these tips and tricks because thanks to them you will be able to avoid some of the most frequent home accidents.

For those who have bad aim with the hammer

There are several ways to hold a nail to maintain the integrity of your fingers and avoid a good bruise.

how to avoid accidents at home when driving nails with the hammer

1.- With a clothespin. It is undoubtedly one of the best known tricks but it is worth remembering it.
2.- With some pliers. They are usually longer than clothespins and, therefore, perfect for those who do not have very good aim when it comes to hitting the hammer.
3.- With a comb. This trick is also ideal for driving several nails in a row and aligned.
4.- Nailing the nail on a piece of cardboard. This prevents the nail from moving. Although it seems obvious, the cardboard must be removed before fully driving the nail.

Any of these tricks will prevent you from taking a hammer blow and the consequent displeasure.

To minimize the risk of kitchen fires

I have already told you that I have a certain tendency to burn my food, so in order not to have to clean so many burnt pots and pans (you can see how to do it in this link), I use a kitchen timer. Calculate the cooking time and take the timer with you to the room you are in, this way you will avoid going to heaven and you will remember the food when you start to smell burnt. If you don’t have a timer you can also use the alarm on your mobile phone for example.

prevent home accidents and fires

If you also want prevent the broth from overflowing (or any liquid), place a wooden utensil over the saucepan when it starts to boil.

prevent it from overflowing when it starts to boil

In the case of fires when you are cooking It is very important that you do not try to put out the fire with water since you will only be able to stoke it. The most advisable thing is to throw sand but since it is not something that is usually in the kitchen, the quickest thing is usually to remove the pan or saucepan from the heat and place a wet cloth on top.

To prevent slips and falls at night

For prevent falls and trips at nightespecially when you have cats or other animals camping strategically in your path, the placement of LED lights that activate in the dark is essential.


On the other hand, if you place a pillow on the side edge of the bed, you will avoid falling off it when you are sleeping (I believe that these things do not only happen to children), since by rubbing against it we will unconsciously turn around.

so as not to burn your fingers

When the candles have little wick, sometimes they take time to light and can cause you to end up burning yourself with the match or lighter. In these cases, light the tip of a dry spaghetti and use it to light the fuse, so you will have your fingers safe.

avoid home accidents when lighting candles

This same trick will be very useful when you have to light many candles on a cake since you will avoid having to light several matches.

On the other hand, you will also avoid burning yourself with the handles and handles of pots and pans if you use the interior burners of the countertop instead of those that are closer to the edge.

To avoid unwanted cuts

So that the kitchen board does not move when you are cutting food on it and keep your fingers safe, moisten kitchen paper and place it under the board. Also remember that you should always look at what you are cutting if you do not want to show off a scar like I have on one of my index fingers.

avoid home accidents when cutting food

On the other hand, if you have a sink full of water, be careful when inserting your hands in case there are any sharp or sharp objects (you guessed it, I cut myself on a knife submerged in my sink and hidden under the foam of the detergent).

To avoid bruises and bruises

A few months ago, while removing a nail with pliers, I hit my nasal septum with them, so my advice is that when you work with tools, never use force towards yourself, but towards the outside.

prevent home accidents

In the event that a bruise has occurred, mix vinegar with warm water and rub it on the bruise. Vinegar increases blood flow so it will help disperse stagnant blood.

To remove a splinter

If you use gloves you will avoid sticking splinters when you are working the wood. If you don’t want to lose touch sensitivity, wear thin latex gloves.

how to extract a splinter with bicarbonate

In the event that you have a splinter stuck in it and it has remained embedded under the skin making it difficult to remove, moisten the area with water, sprinkle bicarbonate of soda on it and put on a band-aid, you will see how the splinter will protrude the next day and you will be able to extract it with tweezers (you can see more tricks with bicarbonate in this link).


All the indicated tips and tricks can be summed up in just one: concentration. If we are focused on what we are doing, without trying to do several things at the same time and without underestimating the risks, we will be able to avoid accidents at home, which in the vast majority of cases are due to distractions and overconfidence.

I hope these tips and tricks to avoid home accidents have been useful to you, you can find more tips and tricks at

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