How to buy the perfect mattress for you: all the keys

Currently, there are so many types of mattresses that it is difficult to know which one you need. So if you are looking for a mattress but you do not know which one to choose, in this guide you will find all the keys to know how to buy the perfect mattress for you.

There is no doubt that the mattress is a fundamental element when it comes to facilitating our rest. Currently, there is a wide range of mattresses on the market capable of providing us with a restful sleep, although not knowing how to choose the one that best suits our needs can become a nightmare. Therefore, in this guide you will find the key factors to consider when choosing the perfect mattress.

The keys to the perfect mattress

A mattress must adapt to our physical and personal characteristics to ensure a good posture for our back and a better quality of rest. In this sense, we must ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Will you sleep alone or accompanied?
  • What position do you choose to sleep?
  • Are you hot or cold?
  • Do you have respiratory conditions and/or allergies?

The following infographic will guide you to choose the mattress according to your answer.

how to buy the perfect mattress

How to buy a mattress

Prior to buy a mattress It is necessary to take into account both its quality, as well as the material with which it is made and its firmness.

Types of mattresses according to their material

The main types of mattress according to their main manufacturing material are:

  • pocket springs: they are made up of a multitude of springs inside fabric bags that can move independently, making them ideal when you share a bed. It is the most widely used technology today, as it provides good support and excellent ventilation.
  • viscoelastic: it is a very high-density polyurethane foam that has the particularity of adjusting to the contours of the body, but that recovers its original shape when not in use. It needs another, firmer material to rest on, since it is not capable of supporting our weight on its own. Typically, it is combined with a base of high resilience or HR foam.
  • HR (High Resilience): they contain a high-density foam made from isocyanate that gives it a great capacity to recover its original state after being subjected to pressure. They have great adaptability and firmness, but their perspiration is almost zero, so they are not the best option for hot people.
  • Latex: they contain a block of latex that can be natural or synthetic, although those made of natural latex are of the highest quality and the highest price. They have antibacterial properties, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. In addition, they are durable and adapt to the contours of the body, but they need to perspire and ventilate frequently.

how to choose a memory foam mattress

hybrid mattresses

Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, therefore the German firm Emma has created the hybrid mattress Emma Hybrid Premium made with various materials that significantly improve the quality of rest. Proof of this is that it has been chosen as “Consumer’s Choice 2021”, which is due to the fact that it combines the advantages provided by each of its layers:

  1. Airgocell® foam upper that adapts to different bodies, relieving pressure in the areas that are most loaded during the day. In addition, its open-pore composition achieves good air circulation that prevents overheating in the bed.
  2. Memory foam midsole distributes pressure and keeps your spine aligned regardless of sleeping position.
  3. Pocket spring core for better air circulation, optimal support and flexibility at night. Thanks to this layer, the independence of beds is guaranteed when sleeping in company.
  4. Final layer of HRX stabilizing foam that insulates the spring core and prevents the mattress from sinking excessively, guaranteeing its quality and durability. In fact, the mattress Emma Hybrid Premium It has a 100-night trial and a 10-year warranty.

In addition, the mattress has a polyester cover with a non-slip bottom and a zipper that separates it into two independent parts. In this way, it can be removed and put on effortlessly to wash it at home and facilitate the hygiene of the mattress.

Emma Hybrid Premium mattress

mattress firmness

There are two aspects that determine the feeling of firmness or hardness of a mattress:

  • What it feels like to lie down: it is the first sensation when touching the mattress and lying on it. It will make us feel more or less welcome and is determined by the padding of the mattress.
  • The firmness of the core: it will depend on the material and its composition. For example, in spring mattresses it depends on the thickness of the steel, the number of springs, their shape, how they are joined, etc.

A mattress is not better because it is more or less hard, since the choice of firmness is something personal. However, the following must be taken into account:

  • Soft (type 2): it is recommended for babies up to 2 years old, although it can be used occasionally by an adult (as they say, “to get by”).
  • Medium soft or low firmness (type 3): recommended for people with bone or muscle discomfort, who spend many hours lying down or with poor circulation.
  • Medium hard or intermediate firmness (type 4): they are the most recommended for athletes or people with lumbar discomfort. Also for adults who do not suffer any type of discomfort.
  • Very hard or high firmness (type 5): ideal for beds in which different people are going to sleep, since it adapts better to weight variations.


When choosing the perfect mattress you have to take into account:

  • Your need for comfort to choose the hardness and support of the mattress, as well as the material of its core, keeping in mind that the thicker the mattress, the more comfortable it is.
  • Whether you are a cold or hot person and to what extent the sensation of freshness can affect the quality of your sleep.
  • Your budget, although a high-end mattress is always an investment in health and well-being.

Precisely, so that the budget is not a problem when choosing a high-end mattress, I enclose an extra 5% discount by entering the code BRICOYDECO in the store. This discount is added to the existing ones of up to 50% (except Emma packs), so don’t hesitate to take advantage of it because it has a limited time.

discount code emma mattress

In short, the best mattress will always be the one that suits your characteristics and needs in a way that helps you get a restful sleep. Therefore, I hope that this guide has helped you to buy the perfect mattress for you. You can find many more practical guides and DIY and decoration projects at and on .

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