Tips and tricks to save on electricity bills in winter

It’s possible keep our home as warm as possible and save on electricity bills? Can it be done sustainably? What tricks can I put into practice for this? Read on to answer these questions and more.

We are fully entering winter and the coldest months with the least natural light of the year are looming ahead. This implies that we will consume more electricity by increasing our need to light and heat our home. This consumption will have an impact (and a lot) on our electricity bill, since the cost of energy in Spain is at record highs and it is one of the European countries where we pay the most for this service.

The fact that in some areas of Spain we have areas with a more temperate climate than that of most of our European neighbors, does not exempt us from having to use the heating in the months with more extreme temperatures. To prevent energy expenditure from skyrocketing, there are several tricks that we can put into practice. Without a doubt, the main insulate our windows as well as possible, since they are usually the main point of heat leakage in our home.

tricks to save electricity

Glass, a key element to save on electricity bills

The definitive solution that will help us maintain the temperature of our houses is to invest in good windows. The change of glass that is not very energy efficient, for double or triple glazing that has reinforced thermal insulation (ATR), solar control and high light transmissionwill offer us an improvement in comfort and well-being, in addition to achieving significant savings in electricity bills.

To this end, SGG CLIMALIT PLUS® glass with SGG STADIP SILENCE® PLANISTAR ONE® offers the best insulation performance for homes, as it results in savings of more than 40% energy. Among the main advantages of windows with double or triple glazing SGG CLIMALIT PLUS® stand out:

  • The glass has a very neutral aesthetic and a high light transmission coefficientallowing more natural light to enter the room, which is essential for our comfort.
  • Its thermal insulation will help you maintain a comfortable temperature in your home throughout the year, especially on the coldest days, allowing you to reduce energy use.
  • Reducing energy consumption not only saves money, but also helps reduce our impact on the environment.
  • Their acoustic isolation It allows to reduce the excessive and annoying sound from the outside. Without a doubt, it is the ideal solution for commercial pedestrian environments, reducing noise from traffic or from adverse weather factors such as hail or heavy rain from a storm, thus solving the problem of noise pollution.

In short, if you want to achieve significant savings on your electricity bill thanks to the windows in your home, saving energy and helping to preserve the environment, in the “Change Your Windows” section of the CLIMALIT website, where you can obtain the composition most suitable according to the needs of your home.

insulating and sustainable climalit windows

Opt for a low consumption electric heating system

There are multiple options that we can use to heat the house, but you will have to study which are the most economical and sustainable.

  • Low consumption electric heaters. They are not the more economical, since they consume a lot of energy although there are increasingly more efficient ones. Of course, they help you to quickly heat a room, but they are not suitable for prolonged use. They are usually very noisy.
  • heating panel. The heating plates or ceramic stove with low consumption it’s a good option electric heating in terms of household savings.
  • Air conditioning with heat pump. They currently have technology that allows them to heat our home without triggering energy consumption. Therefore, it is considered that an electric heating system that should be used in homes.
  • Low consumption ceramic electric radiator: It has a consumption similar to that of air conditioning, therefore it is a good heating system to save.

low consumption radiators

Other tips to keep the heat in your house

With these extra tips you can keep your house warm and optimize the use of heating:

  • Improve the insulation of the house. In addition to the windows, it is advisable to invest in the insulation of doors, ceilings and walls. The better your home is insulated, the greater the savings and comfort.
  • Eliminates air leaks. For keep warm inside the home it is important to place weather stripping in the areas where air enters and seal the window frames with silicone.
  • Heat only the necessary environments. Focus on heating the spaces that are being used. In this way, we also reduce the impact on the environment.
  • Don’t go overboard with the temperature. Choose an average temperature around 20 degrees to be as efficient as possible.
  • Maintenance of heating systems. Proper maintenance of your heating system will contribute to more efficient operation and a longer useful life.
  • Lower the blinds or close the curtains. Especially at the coldest times of the day, since this prevents heat loss in the home.
  • Check your electricity rate. The new electricity bill includes a price system whereby the cost changes according to the time of day. It is a factor to take into account to optimize the use of electricity at home and spend less when its price is higher.

tips to save on electricity bills

I hope these tips and tricks will help you save on electricity bills in winter. Do not hesitate to put them into practice, your pocket will thank you!

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