How to make homemade organic dryer sheets


Dryer sheets are used to soften and provide a pleasant fragrance to clothes, as well as to eliminate static electricity that is produced by the rubbing of fabrics. Their price and the fact that they are not very respectful with the environment mean that sometimes we do without them, however we can make our own homemade, eco-friendly and reusable dryer sheets do you want to know how?

Dryer sheets sit between clothes and attract moisture. static electricity produced by friction between the garments during the drying process. They also contain softening substances that leave clothes more fluffy and with fewer wrinkles. I have to admit that at the beginning of having the dryer I used them in every drying but I stopped doing it because they were not very economical, apart from not being biodegradable.


When I stopped using them, my clothes would cake due to static electricity and it was much more difficult to iron them as they ended up more wrinkled, until I discovered how to make homemade organic dryer sheets.

The materials you will need to make your own homemade wipes are:

– Foil.
– A cotton t-shirt that you no longer wear (preferably 100% cotton).
– White vinegar.
– Essential oil (the aroma that you like the most).

The steps to take are the following:

1º.- Make three balls the size of a ping pong ball with aluminum foil. You can take advantage of aluminum foil that you have previously used to wrap food or for the oven tray as long as you have removed the remains of dirt.


Once you have your three balls of aluminum foil, put them in the dryer along with the clothes, as this way you will avoid static electricity. You can reuse the foil balls many times but if you find that they are wearing out, you can regenerate them by wrapping a new sheet of aluminum foil around it.

The foil it has many uses, do not miss painting tricks with aluminum foil in this link and how to remove rust in this link.

2º.- So that your clothes are soft and fluffy as in the advertisements, cut the cotton t-shirt into squares of approximately 20 or 25 centimeters on each side. Then moisten them with White vinegar and pour a few drops of your essential oil Favourite. Place your towel for the homemade dryer between the clothes and you will see how once dry it is soft and with a pleasant aroma.


Repeat this operation every time you are going to use the dryer. The cotton of the t-shirt, being a resistant material, will make your homemade wipe very durable as well as reusable.

Combining the balls of aluminum foil together with the cotton rags moistened in vinegar and essential oil, you will be able to replace the wipes for the dryer. in an ecological way and saving a significant amount of money per yearsomething that comes in handy both at home and in businesses that need a dryer and make continuous use of it (hairdressers, beauty salons, nurseries, etc.).

Do you use dryer sheets or have you stopped doing so because of their high price? If so, try these. homemade dryer sheetssurely you get a good result in a much more economical and environmentally friendly way.

If you liked this post, you can see many more DIY tricks and ideas at .


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