keys to optimizing space

keys to have order at home

Perhaps keep order at home It may not be one of your main concerns, but if I tell you that a well-organized house can save you money, I’m sure you’ll be interested. In this post you will not only learn how to put order at home, but you will also know 3 keys to spend less.

In recent weeks I have heard a lot about Marie Kondo, a Japanese woman who has sold millions of copies of her books on the art of organizing. Her method is mainly based on emptying all the cabinets in the house, selecting what gives you good vibrations, discarding the rest and saving by categories.

I have no doubt that your method does not work, in fact many people have tried it, but from my experience there are some aspects that do not convince me. What I do fully agree with her about is that maintaining order at home is not a state but a necessity. To convince yourself of this, ask yourself the following questions:

  • I have expired food for being in an inaccessible part of the kitchen cabinets and unaware of its existence?
  • Have you bought a sweater/skirt/trousers/shoes very similar to another What did you forget that you already had?
  • have you been spoiled cosmetic products because you accumulate them in a drawer and they are hidden one above the other?

order at home

Personally, I consider myself quite organized and I confess that I have answered yes to all the questions, so I prefer not to add the cost of those expired, repeated or spoiled products. If you have also answered yes to any of them, you just have to take out the calculator and start adding up to convince yourself of how important it is to have your house tidy.

3 keys to keep order at home

Each master has his booklet or method in this case, but there are a few maxims that you should keep in mind if you want to have your house tidy and save at the same time.

1st.- recycle to order. From the cardboard tubes of toilet paper, through cereal boxes, plastic containers of detergents or glass jars. There are many everyday items that can be recycled such as containers and organizers.

order at home recycling

By reusing these objects you will be able to have your belongings organized for very little money. Proof of this is this DIY desk in which glass jars have been recycled as containers, cardboard tubes to organize washi tape rolls, etc.

desk with recycled elements

To get the most out of the objects you recycle, I advise you to use garbage cans or recycling bins as they are ideal for separating organic waste from paper, glass or plastic. In this link you will find a tutorial to make your own recycling center.

recycle bin to do it yourself

Although the main beneficiary of the organization and classification of your waste is the planet, which, after all, is everyone’s home.

2nd.- Ordering does not mean keeping chaos within chaos. The internal organization of the cabinets is very important, with accessories that facilitate the rapid visualization and location of what is inside.

In the kitchen, bet on pull-out baskets that take advantage of all the capacity of the cabinets and allow you to see everything you store in them even if it is in the background. In specialized stores you will find removable accessories of different sizes to be able to adapt them to your wardrobes. The following video tutorial will show you how to make them yourself:

In the bedroom, organize the inside of the drawers with stackable trays, dividers, removable trouser racks, etc.

pull-out trouser rack for wardrobe

Taking advantage of the doors and sides of the cabinets to hang bags, clothes and even boots will not only help you to have everything in sight, but you will also make better use of the interior space.

hanger bracket to organize the closet

bag hanger bracket

boot hanger bracket

organize shoes with removable accessories

3rd.- Do not accumulate, replace. Before buying a new product, assess whether it can replace one that you already have and that is already worn or deteriorated. If not, you better not buy it.

Acquire what you need when you are going to use it or shortly before. That summer garment that seemed wonderful to you in the January sales may not seem so wonderful to you 6 months later.

organize your closets

Do not buy 3Ă—2 offers from supermarkets if they are perishable products that you will not have time to consume or if you do not have space to store them.

Always remember that space is limited, when we intend to store more things than fit. It usually ends up somewhere else and finally in oblivion.


Having your home tidy will not only make it more efficient, but it will also help you save money if you follow the following keys:

  • Recycle your waste you will save money if you reuse cardboard, plastic and glass containers as containers and organizers.
  • Install an internal closet organization system, You’ll save money if you have a complete view of what’s inside.
  • Do not buy without rhyme or reason, you will save money if you replace the objects that are worn out instead of accumulating.

I hope you are keys to keep order at home help you to consume more efficiently and reduce unnecessary expenses caused by poor space management.

If you liked this post, you can see many more tips and DIY ideas at .

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