Cutting guide for circular or disc saws- BricoBlog

Guia de corte para sierras circulares - destacada

Today we will show you a cutting guide for circular saws, also known as disk saws. This is the WolfCraft FKS 145 cutting guide.

With this cutting guide, straight cuts are achieved quickly, comfortably, and extremely precisely.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 1

So we’re going to take an in-depth test and tell you all about the WolfCraft Universal Rip Guide, designed to be used with any standard portable circular saw.

  • The article will consist of three main parts:
  • First we will see the Unpacking.
  • Next, we will see in detail the assembly and adjustment of the circular saw.
  • And, finally and as usual, we will do several tests and then issue our assessment of the tool.

We will also include the following additional information:

  • Video with assembly instructions, as well as the tests carried out.
  • Where to find this cutting guide.
  • Our conclusions and assessment of the tool.

Unpacking the tool

It must be said that this cutting guide for disk saws is very well presented in a cardboard package, and that it includes the following elements.

  • Instructions in paper format.
  • Slip base.
  • Larger side, rear, and front bumpers.
  • Nuts, thumb screws, plastic mounting hardware, and an allen key.
  • Two sergeants.
  • Aluminum cutting guide, which comes disassembled in two pieces.

Mounting and adjustment of the rip fence for disk saws

Skid Base Assembly

First of all we will assemble the three pieces that will form the front bumper, which is the largest. This assembly is done with only two screws.

Next we put the six nuts in their locations and fix them with the knurled screws.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 2

Now we put the metal stops and immobilize them.

Guide rail mounting

Well, we already have the sliding sole mounted. Now we will mount the guide.

We introduce in one of the parts of the rail, the elongated plastic piece, until it clicks.

And then, we will have to remove the plate that it has, centering it and fixing it with two of the four screws that it has.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 3

Next we assemble the other part. By clicking, we tighten the other two remaining screws on the plate. And we already have it set up.


This guide has an accessory with which a rail with a useful cutting length of 2.20 m is achieved.

Rip fence adjustment

Once the two parts that make up the guide as a whole have been assembled, we have to adjust both sets together.

To do this, we introduce the sliding sole through the guide rail. And we adjust the three screws on the back of that, until we get a smooth but firm slide, and without gaps.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 4

Assembly and calibration of the saw blade

Ok, now we just need to assemble the circular saw and calibrate it.


Why is this cutting guide universal?

Because it is suitable for any portable disk saw, as long as it is standard.

What is meant by standard?

Disc saws that meet standard characteristics. Regarding the averages, the diameter of the cutting disc would be between 13 and 20 cm. As well as some measures of the sole, between 21 and 38.5 cm long, and between 8 and 25.5 wide.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 5

First of all we will have to remove the two stops that the sliding sole has, in order to calibrate the cutting disc and leave it completely parallel to the cutting guide.

Next, we collect the protection cover of the cutting disc and support it on the base, centering the disc longitudinally on the sliding sole, and making the two stops touch the disc.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 6

In this position, we slide the large side stop until it comes into contact with the base of the tool, at which point we secure it by tightening the two knurled screws.

Then we move the other four stops to the base of the saw and fix them equally, leaving the saw embedded.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 7

Once this is done, we remove the tool, and collect the gauges.

All the process that we have done so far, we will only have to do it once. We will no longer have to repeat this operation, unless we change the circular saw.

Testing the rip fence for disk saws

A couple of years ago we published an article in which we talked about another of the guides of this same brand. Specifically, the guide for straight cuts in plasterboard. You can access the aforementioned publication at the following link Cut plasterboard easily and cleanly.

Well, once we have seen all the assembly and calibration, we will finally see how to use this robust guide.

Its use is extremely easy and fast, obtaining very precise cuts.

We must indicate the cutting line on the piece to be cut, with two simple marks.

We place the edge of the rail just above these marks.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 8


The cut is made exactly along the same edge of the rail. Therefore, we do not have to perform any type of addition or subtraction operation of measurements.

We fix the rail with the two sergeants it comes with, we insert the sliding sole, we fit the saw, and we cut. It’s that simple.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 9

The cutting guide for disk saws is suitable for making any type of straight cut. Both parallel and diagonal cuts. But they will always be easy, fast and, above all, precise cuts.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 10

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 11

Unboxing & Review Video

Sometimes, it is difficult to explain something with words, and much more to do it in writing. Therefore, as we usually do, we have edited a video of the entire process, since it is more clarifying and conveys the potential of this tool much better.

Here I leave you, in full, the unpacking, assembly, calibration, and the tests carried out.

Where to find this cutting guide

If you want to see more information about the WolfCraft FKS 145 circular saw cutting guide, as well as the Ryobi circular saw, used in this test, I leave you below the links to said products in the Amazon market place. Here you can also see the prices, and even buy them.


The robust appearance of cutting guide for WolfCraft FKS 145 disc sawsIt was already looking good. But, after trying it, I have to say clearly and emphatically that not only has it not disappointed me, but it has exceeded my expectations.

Therefore, this cutting guide is indicated, not only for DIYers, but also for professionals and small carpentry workshops that do not have a table saw.

Cutting guide for circular saws - photo 12


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