The best ideas to decorate windows without using curtains

Having large windows at home allows you to enjoy the landscape and a bright home. In addition, when they are integrated into the architecture of the home, they provide a modern and current style. If you are looking to give them a decorative touch, do not miss these ideas for decorate windows without curtains. Houses with large windows or series of windows that replace some of the facades are currently in fashion. This type of structure is very popular among lovers of architecture, especially when they are independent buildings framed in a natural setting that simulate a spectacular painting or painting. Although many people prefer to leave their windows as they are, others want to limit the amount of light through the use of curtains. However, sometimes curtains are not the best solution if you want to enjoy the views.

decorate windows without curtains

The best types of windows to decorate without curtains

There are many types of windows for different types of structures. For example, in you can find different windows and large windows of all kinds, which by themselves are already very decorative. Among the most common types of windows are:

  • Folding or practicable, composed of one or more leaves that open to one side
  • Pivoting or tilting, which opens by swinging on a horizontal or vertical axis located in the center of the frame
  • Tilt-and-turn, which can be opened both in oscillating and swinging modes, as appropriate. Projectable or projected window, they open outwards from the base, with the fixing at the top
  • Sash window, made up of two leaves, of which only the lower one slides upwards
  • Sliding window, which is divided into two leaves that slide horizontally over each other
  • Lattice or Solomonic window, its lattices can be graduated in opening as appropriate

types of windows to decorate without curtains

Depending on the type of opening, sometimes it will be difficult to find a curtain that does not hinder it. Also, the best types of windows that can be decorated without curtains are the bay windows and the elongated windows. Proof of this is the following list of ideas to decorate windows without having to use curtains.

felt figures

Felt is a material widely used in decoration, especially to make mobiles and figures for children’s or babies’ rooms. However, you can also use felt figures to decorate the windows in an original and different way. This idea is suitable for children’s room windows. However, different figures can also be made to decorate the windows or large windows of the living room, as well as the kitchen.

Without a doubt, it is one of the best ways to add a splash of color to empty windows. To do this, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Find a clip art image on the Internet and print it, for example, a design in the form of leaves.
  2. Place the template on felt of different autumn colors, such as tan, green, gold…, among others, and cut out several pieces.
  3. Sew the ends with a needle and thread, so that they are vertical and the shape of a curtain can be simulated. When the daylight reflects on the window the colors will look spectacular.

decorate the windows with felt sheets

costume jewelry curtains

Costume jewelry curtains are another great idea to make highlight the lighting that passes through the windows and the windows. Jewelry with transparent or colored stones offer that special sparkle to each space.

For this idea you will need at least a roll of several meters of nylon thread, stones of different sizes and colors that can be combined with each other to create a kind of curtain of different angles or lengths. Longer or smaller strips can be made for a cascading effect.

It is one of the best ideas for spaces that are illuminated by a very small window or through which not much light enters. Thanks to the stones, which can be made of glass or plastic, the light will be reflected with greater intensity. This idea brings originality to small rooms or the kitchen.

costume jewelry curtains to decorate the windows

curtains with christmas lights

Now that we are getting into a more festive and Christmassy air, creating a kind of curtains with christmas lights It can be a great idea to decorate the windows.

Lights will be chosen that have a predesigned shape such as a curtain or the typical ones to decorate the Christmas tree. With them you can create a kind of frame around the window to give it a magical look. We can even use it as a curtain, letting it fall vertically on a support or bar and place it just above the window.

These sparkles are great for decorating the rest of the house for the holidays.

decorate the windows with christmas lights

glass pots

Pots with flowers or plants have always been a classic to decorate the bases of windows or windows. However, this time glass pots or vases with flowers and a little water or earth will be used to try to multiply the light that is reflected through the windows. This is a very good idea for darker rooms.

The glass pot gives a modern touch to the windows, so it can be an excellent decoration in teenage rooms. It can also be a great idea to place plants or flowers around the kitchen windows.

decorate the windows with pots

Which one of these ideas to decorate windows without using curtains did you like it more? Can you think of any more? The truth is that there is something for all tastes so that you can find the ideal one to decorate your windows in an original and different way.

If you liked this post, you can find many more DIY ideas at .

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