Trick to clean the oven in a simple way step by step

trick-to-clean-the-ovenThat if the turkey on Christmas Eve, or the New Year’s Eve dinner or the roscón de Reyes… surely after the holidays your oven is crying out for a thorough cleaning. Although the oven’s self-cleaning system removes much of the grease residue from inside the oven, the door glass requires manual cleaning to remove splatters and grease residue. Do not miss this trick to clean the oven in a simple and very economical way.

Normally I use a grease remover product to thoroughly clean the oven door but this does not free me from rubbing with the scourer. In addition, effective grease removers are not usually very cheap, so when I read that you could clean the oven door with baking soda and vinegar I did not hesitate to try it, since I had little to lose by trying it.

Both baking soda and vinegar are two powerful ecological and very cheap cleaners, they also have many uses in the home. I already used baking soda to clean the inside of shoes and vinegar for the shower screen but I had never tried them to clean the oven.

The materials that we will need are the following:

Sodium bicarbonatewith a package of half a kilo is more than enough.

White vinegar (although I have used red wine because I did not have white left).

– A cloth or kitchen paper.

– A scraper of the glass-ceramic ones.


These are the steps we must continue:


1º.- Moisten a scourer with water and pass it through the glass to soften the fat.

2º.- Prepare a mixture with 2/3 parts of sodium bicarbonate and 1/3 part of water. For example, for 100 grams of bicarbonate you will need 33 grams of water. The important thing is that there is a paste that is neither too thick nor too liquid to drip.

3º.- Spread the baking soda paste on the glass of the oven and let it act for 15 minutes. Baking soda is a powerful natural degreaser and will help dissolve grease.

4º.- Remove the baking soda with a cloth or oven paper.

5º.- Moisten the glass of the oven with white vinegar and let it act for about 10 or 15 minutes. Then pass a ceramic hob scraper and you will see how the fat comes off the glass almost effortlessly.

6º.- Moisten the glass of the oven with vinegar again and rub with the scourer as many times as necessary until completely eliminating the remains of fat.

The final result has surprised me since it has been as good as with a grease remover product (or even better). The glass of the oven has been left like a mirror, with the door closed you can barely see that there is glass and you can see what we are cooking perfectly, like this roasted pumpkin that comes in handy to give our stomach a break after so many Christmas feasts .


what did you think of this trick to clean the oven? Did you know him? I’ve used baking soda and vinegar as household cleaners before, but never tried them for oven cleaning. In view of the result, it will not be the last time I do it, especially considering that it is much cheaper and more ecological than using any other fat remover product.

UPDATE: Did you know that with baking soda you can also make homemade paint? Check out this link to see how.

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