Trick to remove adhesive residue from the wall

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You already know that I am a big fan of self-adhesive vinyl, it is very easy to install and highly decorative, it also has the great advantage that when you get tired of it you take it off and that’s it. However, sometimes there may be traces of adhesive that are quite unsightly, so do not miss this trick to remove adhesive residue from the wall without damaging it.

Do you know what I did the first time I removed a decorative vinyl from the wall and there were remains of the adhesive? I painted over… big mistake!!! In this way, the only thing that is achieved is to create a relief on the wall that is as unsightly as the remains of glue, similar to the one that can be seen in the following image.


Once the remains of adhesive have been painted over, the only thing that can be done to correct the mess is to sand the wall and paint it again, so it is convenient to remove them before repainting it, place another vinyl, a painting, etc. The following image shows how my wall looked last weekend after removing an adhesive vinyl.


The stains can be distinguished perfectly both from the front and against the light and although in my case I was going to replace the vinyl with some paintings, I decided to find a solution to eliminate them. On some occasion I have told you that you can remove the remains of adhesive from vinyl on doors and furniture with acetone, but this solution does not work for walls since with acetone we run the risk of dragging the paint as well.

Remove adhesive vinyl residue

For remove adhesive residue from the wall we will need the following materials:

Burning alcohol or methanolfor sale in supermarkets and drugstores.
– A sponge.
– A white cotton rag or clothI usually use old t-shirts.


The steps to follow are very simple, first of all we will impregnate the sponge with the burning alcohol, enough so that it is soaked but without dripping. Then we will press with it on the wall, on the areas where there are remains of adhesive. In this way we get to soften the glue to remove it later without much effort.

The next step will be moisten the cloth with alcohol. I recommend that the cloth be white since in this way we make sure that it will not fade and dirty the wall.

We will gently rub the wall with the cloth and you will see how the remains of adhesive form little balls and come off easily. As the methylated spirit dries very quickly, if the adhesive resists in any area, soak the cloth again and rub again. The most important thing is that you rub gently so as not to damage the wall or drag the paint.

After following these steps you already have the wall ready to do with it what you want: place another decorative vinyl, paint it, wallpaper it or leave it as is.

Learn how to make your own decorative vinyl step by step at this link.

Have you ever had traces of adhesive left on the wall after removing a decorative vinyl? If so With this trick you will be able to remove the remains of adhesive quickly and economically without damaging the wall or dragging the paint.

If you liked this post, you can find many more tricks for the home at .

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