TV furniture vs wall installation: advantages and disadvantages

advantages and disadvantages of television furniture vs. wall installation

Are you thinking of changing your television or renewing the decoration of the living room? If so, you may be wondering if it is better to place it directly on the wall or on a piece of furniture. With this guide you will discover the advantages and disadvantages of television cabinets compared to wall installation.

Whether on a wall mount or TV cabinet, there are few homes that do not have one or more televisions. In fact, in recent years, UHD or 4k and OLED technologies have driven TV sales. Proof of this is that, according to an “IFA Global Market” study carried out by GfK in 2016, every second seven televisions are sold in the world.

If we also take into account the trend of acquiring televisions with a larger screen size, it is inevitable that we consider what type of installation – wall or on furniture – is the most appropriate. With this guide you will be able to solve your doubts based on the advantages and disadvantages of each system.

Advantages and disadvantages of TV cabinets

When buying a tv stand, the size of the screen must be taken into account. It is also important that the center of the screen is at eye level when watching TV.


  • TV cabinets offer storage capacity. To be practical, they need to include at least one shelf for multimedia equipment.
  • They can be placed anywhere and easily moved to change location and orientation.
  • In the market there is a wide variety of qualities, prices and models that fit with any decorative style. They can even become one of the main protagonists.
  • You can choose a model that keeps the TV hidden.


  • They occupy a space that can be larger or smaller depending on the size of the TV.
  • They do not allow to regulate the television in height.
  • It may be too small for us in the event that we change the television for a larger one or expand our multimedia equipment.

advantages and disadvantages of TV furniture compared to wall installation

Advantages and disadvantages of wall installation

Keep in mind that the ideal location for the TV is right in front of the viewer. In addition, it is convenient that direct light does not fall on the screen. These aspects are the ones that will mainly condition us when choosing the wall on which we are going to fix the TV.


  • It is the most suitable solution for large screens, since no extra space or large furniture is needed for its placement.
  • The TV can be placed at the most appropriate height for viewing.
  • Wall installation is ideal for contemporary or modern style decorations.
  • It is the most economical way of installation if no extra storage space is needed.


  • It does not have storage for the multimedia equipment. This can be supplied by placing different modules around the television, but it already requires more space.
  • Sometimes there is no plug or antenna connection near the place where you want to fix the TV. You can solve this problem with a DIY panel to hide the cables of the television.
  • The television cannot be oriented unless it is installed on an extension stand. In this case, it will protrude more from the wall and will not be as aesthetic.

how to place the tv?  advantages and disadvantages of TV furniture compared to wall installation
Ultimately, the three questions to ask yourself when choosing between a television installation mounted on the wall or on a piece of furniture are:

  • Where can I put the television?
  • What size it has?
  • How much storage space do I need for multimedia equipment?

What size TV screen is best for you

As you have seen, the size of your television screen is an important factor when choosing what type of support it will be installed on. Normally, reference is made to the distance between viewer and TVbut it is not the only fact that must be taken into account.

  • A screen that is too large for the distance you will be from it will make the image look pixelated. On the other hand, a screen that is too small will not allow you to fully enjoy your television.
  • The ideal viewing distance of a Full HD television will be the result of multiplying its diagonal in centimeters by 2.6. With an Ultra HD or 4k TV, the distance will be multiplied by 1.3. That is, the distance will depend more on the type of resolution than on the size of the screen.
  • LED-backlit LCD TVs don’t reflect light and are less eye-straining, allowing for a shorter viewing distance than other types of TVs.

The following table made by TCL will guide you on the screen size that is best for you according to the type of television and the viewing distance:

How far should you be from the TV?

I hope this guide has helped you choose the best location for your TV based on the advantages and disadvantages of television furniture compared to wall installation. You can find many more decoration guides and DIY projects at

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