⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Subconscious Sorting to organize closets

On numerous occasions we complain that we do not have enough space to store our things. It’s like cabinets shrink overnight, but they don’t. Often, we accumulate in them objects that we do not really need along with others that are not well organized. The application of Subconscious Ordination It will help you solve this problem and take advantage of spaces.

I have to admit that I am an orderly person. However, this does not prevent my cabinets from sometimes getting out of control and becoming containers for piled-up objects. Over time I have found that one of the best ways to solve it is to make a combined plan of Space Optimization + Subconscious Organization.

Subconscious management to organize your home

Broadly speaking, the subconscious deals with involuntary mental processes that influence both the way we act and the character of people. In other words, it is what I call “backroom«. In it inhabit a series of sensations and emotions that seem to have been there all their lives.

Normally, when we decide to organize our home, we carry out a conscious arrangement. However, ideally, you should not unconsciously reach a point of disorder or disorganization.

This is where the Subconscious Ordination. It is not only a question of will (“I intend to order the cupboards”), but a reprogramming our brain. In the next video I explain more about this system to organize your home:

Space Optimization Plan to organize closets

In addition to the Subconscious Arrangement, when it comes to organizing the closets or your home you must have a good plan of Space Organization. These are the keys that will help you achieve it.

Step 1: empty closet

And when I say “empty,” I mean it literally. If you really want to organize the closet you have to leave it completely empty, since sometimes we keep things that remain in a corner and over time we forget that they are there. For this reason, it is important to check the inside of the boxes that we have kept inside.

In addition, with the closet completely empty we will be aware of its actual size and assess whether the interior layout is correct. It seems incredible, but the simple act of moving a few shelves can be a great improvement.

On the other hand, the maxim of «divide and conquer«. Do not try to organize all the closets at the same time because you may end up on the verge of collapse. Best one at a time, leaving several days between them.

empty the cupboards to reorganize them

Step 2: Sort

When facing a wardrobe we usually find ourselves with the following classification problems:

  • There are objects that are not in their logical location because we have run out of space. The consequence of this problem is that they fall into oblivion and we cannot find them because they are not where they should be.
  • Sometimes the objects are out of place, but we know they are there because we use them frequently. However, its location is not the most practical and we find it inconvenient.
  • On other occasions, they are in their corresponding closet but are totally inaccessible. In these cases, it is most likely that we will end up taking infinite hatred for them and stop using them.

For all these reasons, the first classification will be as simple as what goes in that closet and what doesn’t. It is very important that the new classification follows a logic:

  • Everything related to the kitchen should be in the kitchen.
  • The tools all together.
  • The clothes in their corresponding room.
  • Iron and ironing board where we are used to doing it…

It is also necessary to take into account the subclassification:

  • Follow the same logical order to subclassify, do not put together objects that have nothing to do with each other.
  • uses internal boxes and dividers to have everything as well organized as possible.
  • put labels on the outside and inside of the boxes listing all its contents. Especially if they are things that you do not use too much, since over time you forget that they are there.

classify to keep the home tidy

Step 3: delete

The usual thing is that over time our closet or container (bookcase, drawers, etc.) ends up overflowing. At this point there is no choice but to get rid of things we don’t use.

Do not fool yourself, if you have forgotten that it existed or if you have not used it for years, you are not going to do it now! Don’t keep saving it, you can give it away, sell it, take it to the eco-park… In the following link you will find useful tips to clean your closet properly and discard what you no longer use.

Without a doubt, the work of Subconscious Ordination begins here. We must learn to unleash the emotional ties that are sometimes created with certain objects. Although it is difficult for us to get rid of them, it is a small sacrifice that we must make if we want to look forward and generate new useful and optimized spaces.

On the other hand, I advise you to use the storage room only to store those things that you do not use too much, but you think that you may need in the near future. Do not forget to optimize the space from time to time so that it does not become an uncontrolled landfill.

recycle and dispose of what is no longer used

Step 4: Rearrange

Sometimes it is necessary to reorganize the interior layout by adding new shelves, drawers, etc. If despite everything you still do not have enough space, it is when you have to put into practice the plan B. This plan consists of placing an auxiliary container or taking advantage of every corner of the room to make a custom piece of furniture.

Do not rule out any gap, no matter how small or strange it may seem. In addition to the usual ones under the bed or between two pillars or a pillar and a wall, you can gain extra storage space above the doors, under the windows, in corridors or in small corners.

rearrange cabinets and space

Step 5: keep

Maintaining the organization of the space is not about re-executing the plan from scratch every so often, but about avoid the situation of organizational lack of control. To do this we must conscientiously work on the part of Subconscious Management. If not, chances are your home organization has the same yo yo effect than ultra-fast slimming diets.

It is not easy to reprogram our brain. He requires constant work, but without a doubt the advantages and harmony of a well-organized place are well worth it.

plan a subconscious arrangement to organize the closets

I hope this system to organize cabinets and take advantage of space you found it interesting. If so, you can find many more guides and DIY projects at

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