Everything you need to know to combat environmental dryness at home

Both heating and air conditioning contribute to drying out the environment, causing irritation of the respiratory tract and health problems, such as asthma or allergies. With this practical guide you will learn how to combat environmental dryness at home to preserve your health and that of your family.

Sometimes we are not aware of the effects that the air we breathe can have on our health. In fact, air conditioning, heating, or poorly ventilated spaces are the main causes of drying out the air, causing headaches, sore throats, and nasal and eye dryness, among other conditions.

For combat the problem of environmental dryness in the home It is recommended to have a humidifier to sleep, ventilate the rooms frequently, incorporate indoor plants and other tips detailed in this guide.

how to combat environmental dryness at home

Why is environmental dryness your invisible enemy?

When the ambient humidity is less than 50%, the respiratory tract becomes dry, our defenses are weakened and we are more exposed to bacteria and infections. In fact, there are studies that show that adequate humidity minimizes colds and illnesses.

In principle, there are three risk groups that can be affected by prolonged exposure in a dry environment:

  • Newly born. This is the most vulnerable group and the one that most needs to maintain a suitable temperature for the baby.
  • Seniors. The cold, heat and humidity affect the body of our elders in a more damaging way, for this reason we must pay special attention to their general well-being.
  • People with asthma and respiratory conditions. Low humidity aggravates the symptoms of this risk group. In fact, I have personally experienced that my asthma attacks were more frequent when I spent many hours with the heating of the house on.

In addition, we must bear in mind that we usually have a lot of electrical appliances connected, which, together with low humidity, raise the levels of static electricity and positive ions.

Apart from receiving an unwanted cramp due to static electricity, an excess of positive ions in the environment weakens our body, overloads it with stress and causes a drop in defenses. It also influences when it comes to falling asleep, and even causes anxiety, allergies, respiratory problems or the deterioration of organs such as the kidney.

asthma from dry environments

Tips to combat dry air

There are very simple solutions that you can put into practice so that your home has more humid and healthy air.

use a humidifier

Using humidifiers is a very effective way to ensure that your spaces have the appropriate humidity. The function of a humidifier is to convert the water it contains into water vapor, raising the humidity in the room. Its main advantages are:

  • Helps to sleep better and minimize snoring
  • Relieves nasal congestion, improves asthma and respiratory allergies
  • Avoid static electricity discharges
  • Improve the appearance of your skin
  • Promotes the growth and good health of indoor plants
  • Protects furniture and wooden coverings, preventing them from cracking

On the other hand, keep in mind that increasing humidity above 60% can cause mold and fungus problems. Also, make sure to keep the filter clean so the humidifier doesn’t create dust and germs.

use a humidifier to sleep better

ventilate the house

Ventilating is the first step to eliminate harmful substances that accumulate in our homes. In this way, the air is oxygenated and humidity is regulated. In addition, the entrance of the sun and its ultraviolet rays eliminate some microorganisms.

The best time to ventilate will depend on the type of climate and the season of the year. In winter it is better to do it around noon, when it is hotter, while in summer it should be ventilated at night.

On the other hand, about 10 minutes a day will be enough, although it must also be taken into account that the more people who live in the house, the longer and more times it must be ventilated.

properly ventilate the house

have plants at home

Incorporating indoor plants into the decoration of our home not only contributes to filling it with joy and life, it will also improve the humidity of the environment. Plants help make the air in our home cleaner and more humid. Above all, we will achieve this effect if we spray our plants frequently.

Among the plants recommended to moisten a dry environment are white cedar, sanseviera, cicus, cissus and kalanchoe.

combat environmental dryness with plants

hydrate often

Keeping our body properly hydrated will also help combat the effects of environmental dryness. For this it is recommended:

  • Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink, but drink small amounts of fluids throughout the day. Combine juices, broths, infusions, etc.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption as it promotes dehydration
  • Fruits and vegetables have a high percentage of water in their composition, so they will also help maintain proper hydration
  • Stay away from sources of heat, such as a window where the sun is shining
  • Keep skin hydrated with creams and oils to create a barrier that prevents moisture from evaporating from the skin’s surface

stay hydrated

I hope this guide on how to combat environmental dryness at home Help improve your health and that of your family. Putting the indicated advice and recommendations into practice will be very easy for you and you will soon be able to verify its benefits.

Do not forget that you will find many more guides and projects on DIY and decoration at

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