12 ideas to make compositions of paintings


Carry out frame compositions that they are harmonious is more difficult than it seems, depending on how we place them we can create a highly decorative effect or give the feeling that we have placed them without rhyme or reason. If you don’t want to die trying when it comes to distributing your paintings and photos, don’t miss these 12 ideas to make compositions of paintings.

Story of a ladder…


If the The wall that we want to decorate with pictures or photos is the one with the stairs. we have several options:

– Place a line of squares whose central point follows the diagonal of the ladder.

– Make a small composition on each side of a central point or square, also following the diagonal of the staircase.

– Place small squares above and below the main line of squares that follows the diagonal.

– Make different mini-compositions and distribute them on the wall, always taking into account the ascending (or descending, depending on how you look at it) direction of the staircase.

In the following images you can see different ideas to decorate the wall of a staircase with paintings and photos.






On a shelf or shelf


In case we want distribute the pictures on a shelf, shelf or strip We can choose the following options:

– Use the classic composition of placing all the paintings in a line, with the largest ones behind and the smallest ones in front.

– In the event that we have enough paintings, distribute them on shelves at different heights so that they are not crowded.

– Combine with a wall composition, placing the largest pictures on the shelf.

– Or distribute them the other way around, placing the smallest ones on the shelf and the largest ones on the wall.

In the following images you can see several ideas to distribute the paintings on a shelf:






A bare wall? Not anymore


On a wall the options are practically endless when it comes to making frame compositions:

– You can choose an imaginary geometric shape (a square, rectangle, circumference…) and fit the squares inside it.

– Another option would be to imagine a central point and organize the boxes around it.

– If the wall is large, we can afford to combine different types of frames and shapes (square, round, oval…).

– You can also create mini-compositions and combine them on the wall.

The following images will give you more ideas to make a composition of pictures and photos on a wall:






Now that we more or less have an idea of ​​how we can make a composition of paintings, I leave you a couple of tips or recommendations:

1º.- Before hanging any painting on the wall it is better to do a test or drill with adhesive strips. With washi tapes you have it very easy!

2º.- As long as the frames are not very large or heavy, use adhesive strips for frames, in this way you will avoid making a lot of holes that you will later have to putty, especially if you add new frames and want to distribute them differently.

To finish, I leave you an infographic in which you have summarized these 12 ideas to make compositions of paintings, I hope you find it useful, if so, I would appreciate it if you would share this post on your social networks.


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