23 gift wrapping ideas

23 Christmas packaging ideas

Surely this weekend you have been buying or making your own DIY gifts to surprise your friends and family this Christmas. If you also want your packages to stand out from the rest, take note of these 23 ideas to wrap Christmas gifts by recycling various objects.

As much as we get tired of hearing and saying that what is important is the interior, there is no doubt that the first thing that enters the eyes is the exterior or the wrapping in the case of gifts. It is not necessary to buy a very ostentatious paper and decorations, in this link you can find the Basic materials for your Christmas packagingbut if you also recycle and take advantage of elements that you have at home, you will be able to make a beautiful and original wrapper.

a natural touch

If you go out to the park or the countryside, take the opportunity to pick up dry leaves, pinecones, small branches, etc.They will give a natural and ecological touch to your gifts.

gift wrapping decorated with natural elements
Via JustImagine

wrap gifts using natural elements
Via Zena

This idea seems great to me to give jewelry.

wrap christmas presents in walnut shells

In this video you have the step by step:

Recycling fabric and leftover sewing accessories

You can use fabric scraps and personalize them by stamping on them with ink stamps

wrapping Christmas gifts with fabric scraps
Via Unruly Things

Although you can also take advantage of already printed scraps to make beautiful bags in which to wrap our gift and which can be given other uses.

gift wrap recycling fabric scraps
Via JustImagine

gift wrap recycling fabric scraps
Via Celebrate Creativity

The crochet doilies they will give a vintage touch to any packaging.

wrap gifts recycling crochet tablecloths
Via JustImagine

You can also take advantage satin or lace ribbons.

wrap gifts with satin ribbons

wrap gifts with fabric accessories
Via JustImagine

wrap gifts with fabric accessories
Via Ebay GDS

with recycled paper

The diary paper It can be used both to wrap gifts and to make pretty feathers to decorate your packages.

pens with newspaper
Via Liadgriffith

wrap gifts with newspaper
Via Zena

But if above all you want to be original, recycle the maps and street maps to wrap your gifts.

christmas gift wrapping maps
Via Via Pinterest

Another option is to decorate the wrapper with old Christmas photos or postcards.

wrap gifts with photos
Via Ebay GDS

wrap gifts with photos
Via Ebay GDS

With cardboard decorated with washi tape you can make a box like the one in the following image (you have the template and the step by step in this link).

DIY box to wrap your gifts

gift box with cardboard
Via Bloglovin

remains of skeins

The leftover balls of wool They can also be combined in different ways to decorate our gift wrappers.

wrap gifts with pieces of wool
Via Handmade Charlotte

wrap gifts with scraps of wool
Via Handmade Charlotte

wrap Christmas presents using scraps of yarn
Via Welke

with plastic bottles

You can make different types of gift boxes recycling plastic bottlesRosa de Reciclado Creativo shows you how to do it:

recycling glass jars

Glass jars can be converted into original wrappers for small gifts, whether they display their contents as in the case of the following image:

decorate jars for christmas
Via The Gunny Sack

Or decorating the outside of the container to hide what’s inside.

decorate jars for Christmas with balloons

In the following video tutorial you can see how to use balloons to decorate the outside:

what did you think of these 23 gift wrapping ideas? Surely among them you will find the inspiration so that your Christmas packaging is original, different and, above all, taking advantage of materials and objects that you have at home or recycled.

If you liked this post, you can see many more DIY ideas and projects at .

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