4 Ways to Make Homemade Fabric Softener (Infographic)


Did you know that you can make your own fabric softener? In addition, there is no single recipe but there are several so that you can choose the one you like the most. With this infographic, start today to make homemade fabric softener and save on every wash.

A few weeks ago I explained to you how to make softener wipes for the dryer, but it is also possible to make homemade fabric softener for the washing machine in a very simple way and with ingredients that we will surely have at home.

Ingredients to make homemade fabric softener


For these 4 homemade fabric softener recipes you are going to need two or more of the following ingredients:

White vinegar. Vinegar helps soften clothes by removing residue and minerals from the water that are responsible for making them hard. Keep in mind that you can’t mix vinegar with bleach because it produces a toxic gas, and you shouldn’t use vinegars with dyes (apple, modena, etc.) because they can stain clothes.
Sodium bicarbonate. Bicarbonate regulates the PH of the water preventing it from becoming too acidic or alkaline, it also removes mineral deposits responsible for hardening clothes.
unrefined sea salt.
Essential oil of your favorite aroma (several can be mixed).
Conditioner or hair maskuse a white or economic brand.

Recipes to make homemade fabric softener


In each of these recipes we will use a container or container to store our homemade fabric softener and we will use in each wash the amount that we normally add purchase fabric softener according to the load of clothes. It is also important that the fabric softener is added just before the rinse cycle, never at the beginning of the wash.

RECIPE 1: White Vinegar and Baking Soda

In a large container, dissolve one cup of baking soda in two cups of hot water. Keep in mind that baking soda and vinegar together produce an effervescent chemical reaction, so you should very slowly add a cup of white vinegar to the baking soda and water mixture.

RECIPE 2: White vinegar and essential oil

Add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil to a liter of white vinegar and shake until the mixture is smooth.

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RECIPE 3: White Vinegar and Conditioner or Hair Mask

Mix 250 milliliters of white vinegar, 500 milliliters of hot water and 200 grams of conditioner or hair mask (better to beat with a mixer so that the mixture is uniform). You can use any hair conditioner or hair mask (better if it’s cheap), even those you don’t use because you don’t like how they leave your hair (recycle them!).

RECIPE 4: Bicarbonate of soda, sea salt and essential oil

Mix 15 drops of essential oil with 250 grams of unrefined sea salt and stir until the salt has absorbed the oil, then add 75 grams of baking soda and stir again. Add 2-3 tablespoons of these salts just before the rinse cycle starts.

Then I leave you an infographic in which you can see visually and summarized how to prepare these four homemade fabric softener recipes (you can also download the high resolution PDF file from this link):


Have you tried any of these homemade fabric softener recipes? What is your favourite? Do you know any other recipe? I particularly like the one that uses white vinegar and a hair mask, but it is good to know the rest of the formulas to alternate them or use one or the other depending on the ingredients we have at home.

If you liked this post, you can see many more infographics, tricks and DIY ideas at

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