Electro-Osmosis to remove moisture by capillarity

Rising damp is a common problem that affects many homes in Spain. This can result in serious problems in the infrastructure of any house, such as damp baseboards and inconveniences of oxidation and decomposition in the wall coverings in the first instances.

Also, in the long term, humidity can lead to the total deterioration of the walls. Another possible unwanted effect is the growth of fungi and bacteria, which not only puts the integrity of the home at risk. But it can also cause medical complications to the inhabitants of the house.

remove moisture by capillarity with electro-osmosis - photo 1Accordingly, removing dampness by rising damp is an important task that cannot be relegated or taken lightly. Thus, it is necessary to take the necessary measures to permanently solve the problem.

In this sense, it is possible to find different methods to achieve it. However, not all are equally effective in eradicating moisture. Therefore, it is crucial to choose the best existing method.

Damp problems due to capillarity

Listed below are some of the main consequences caused by rising damp, which have pernicious consequences for both health and the economy.

  • Respiratory diseases, asthma, rheumatism, and allergies.
  • Deterioration of walls and walls, both interior and exterior.
  • Cracks and chips on floors and walls.
  • Significant increase in heating costs (around 30%).
  • Devaluation of the value of the house.
  • Appearance of mold on walls, furniture, curtains, clothes, accessories, etc.

Electro-Osmosis to combat humidity by capillarity

The electro-osmosis treatment is applied to combat efflorescence and other dampness caused by capillarity.

Each pore of the material of the wall and the ground is considered as a capillary in contact with a water solution that contains negative ions, however, in the proximity of the walls there are positive ions or cations, for this reason a double layer is formed. of a fixed layer corresponding to cations absorbed by the facing, and of a mobile or diffuse layer. By placing the electrodes and applying a differential power, the mobile layer will move towards the negative electrode or cathode, displacing the water molecules. This transport of water is called electro-osmosis.

Put more simply,

its operation operates with very low frequency waves that depolarize the water molecules that rise through the pores of the walls, reversing the upward direction of the water through the capillaries of the materials.

This electro-physical system, popularly known as electro-osmosis, has repeatedly demonstrated its effectiveness in combating humidity by capillarity.

It is especially useful when the house affected by groundwater is already built. On the other hand, it is considerably cheaper than other alternatives. According to studies carried out, it would represent around 80% less than the traditional cost.

In addition, its operation allows the situation to be fully resolved in a period ranging from 6 to 36 months.

Thus, to enjoy its benefits, it is enough to install the electronic device in charge of emitting the waves in the corresponding place. On the other hand, it is best to opt for high-quality devices such as the HS-221, which are internationally certified by the CE and by the ICNIRP Institute. In this way, it can be trusted that the activity of the device will not impact in any way the health of people, animals or plants.

remove moisture by capillarity with electro-osmosis - photo 2

Other alternatives to eliminate capillary moisture

Certainly, there are other viable solutions to the problem of capillary dampness. Such as the system of hygroconvectors, microporous mortars, resins and silicones.

Other more rudimentary forms encompass physical barriers such as brick walls and marble blocks.

These are done in different ways to eliminate or at least reduce the inconvenience. However, electro osmosis has the best price/efficiency ratio.

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