50 ideas to do with the yarn technique


String art or string art as it is also known, is a technique that never ceases to amaze me as it can achieve a great decorative effect with a bit of creativity and very few elements, which can be recycled. Whether you like this technique or if you don’t know it, you can’t miss these 50 ideas to do with the yarn technique since they will surely surprise you.

Those who do not know this decorative art will surely now be wondering what is that of the thread or string art (I myself did not know until a few weeks ago). It is very likely that you have seen on the internet or in a decoration store those paintings that are made with intertwined threads and that are so original, well, that is what the thread art or string art technique consists of, in winding threads around nails or lace nailed to a wooden or cork base and representing the outline of a silhouette or figure.


The combination of straight and curved lines together with the use of different colors can lead to true works of art. As a curiosity, I will tell you that the hilorama technique emerged at the end of the 19th century to make mathematics more understandable to children.

A very recurrent theme that we see represented in the works made with the thread technique are animals. In the following image you can see a couple of owls, which of them is more beautiful.


Butterflies are especially decorative whether they are made with a single color or if different shades are combined.


In these two compositions of birds we see how the thread-drawing technique has been applied in two different ways: one spinning inside the outline of the silhouette and another outside. Which of the two do you like more?


An elephant, a deer, a fox and even a composition of paintings that represents an octopus, any animal that we can imagine can be done with the technique of string art.


Another theme that is often used a lot are letters, words, phrases… In the following image you can see how elegant and beautiful it is to make a letter with the thread technique.


Once we have got the hang of letters we can encourage ourselves to form a word.


And even a name to decorate a children’s room in an original way, for example.


And if we are to make words, why not make a sentence? If we also accompany it with some decorative element, the result will be formidable.


For a children’s room there are many ideas that will give it a different and very personal touch. For example, a motif as classic as balloons becomes original thanks to string art.


These two paintings would be the most cute in a baby’s room.


We can also be inspired by Disney characters to make our creations.


Or resort to something that never fails when decorating a children’s room: animal drawings.


But without a doubt, one of the main characteristics of this decorative technique is that you can customize your design to the maximum, it can even be done an original DIY gift to that geek friend or partner (or yourself, who may also be a bit of a geek :p).

For example for fans of two emblematic brands such as Apple or Harley Davidson.


Or for fans of the Star Wars saga (when my partner reads this post, he’s going to ask me to make him one of these).


For comic book lovers any of these ideas will be a sure hit. hilorama-technique-comics This idea seems to me to be a waste of creativity and simply spectacular since with the threads not only the Batmat logo has been drawn, but also the effect of the spotlight beam has been created.


Do you want to see more DIY gifts? Do not miss this link.

Usually we can transform any drawing, no matter how simple, into a mini-work of art thanks to the thread-drawing technique. In the following image you can see several compositions with different levels of difficulty but all equally decorative.


Another idea that I found fascinating is that of use old photos as a background. Do you notice the sensation of movement transmitted by the string art applied to the clothes of these women? The effect is beautiful.


For the end I have saved this portrait that has left me speechless due to its level of detail and precision, I don’t think it is suitable for beginners but I think it is a good example of what can be achieved by practicing this decorative technique.


What do you think of these? 50 ideas to do with the yarn technique? In case you dare to start in this decorative technique, I leave you some patterns that you can download from this link. Now you will no longer have an excuse to be artists 🙂

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Images: Pinterest.

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