7 reasons to install roller shutter motors

Would you like to increase the security of your home? Do you want to save time on your housework? Is your energy bill getting higher and higher and you don’t know how to pay less? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider automate blinds These are some reasons to do it, but there are still more as you will see below.

I suggest that for a week you count how many times you raise and lower the blinds in your home, the result will undoubtedly surprise you. In addition, this repetitive task causes the tape to wear out and break in the medium term.

Automate the blinds It may seem that it is intended only for office buildings, hotels or high standing homes, but nothing further. Installing a roller shutter motor is within everyone’s reach and has a number of advantages for your home.

mint green living room

Types of motors for blinds

First of all, you should know that there are two types of motors for blinds:

  • Tubular: they are placed inside the roller shutter cylinder, inserting the motor until it stops. The structure is then fitted into the blind box, taking into account that the regulator must be on the outside. Finally, the blind will be attached to the axis where the motor is placed.
  • Non-tubular or belt motor: they are embedded in the place of the belt box or on the wall, replacing the belt shutter box with the motor that automates the shutter.

In both cases it will be necessary to know the size and weight of the blind to choose a motor with the appropriate power.

On the other hand, the motor can be activated from a switch, a remote control, a smartphone application or by means of a sensor.

motors for Somfy blinds

7 reasons to automate blinds

Installing motors for blinds is simple, fast, economical and very practical to facilitate their opening and closing.

1st.- Increase comfort in your home and revalue it

Because when we get home after a day of work what we want is to enjoy our space with the maximum comfort possible. In the same way, we have enough worries throughout the day to also be aware of whether we have left the blind up or down, or if we are going to get cold, heat, water or a draft that damages an object.

Both reasons are more than enough to convert our blinds into smart and remote-controlled blinds, but also the fact of having motorized blinds will revalue our home if over time we decided to put it up for sale.

automate blinds to increase home value

2nd.- Reduce electricity consumption

Monitoring the blinds supposes a savings of up to 20% on the energy bill. This is because it is possible to program them to take advantage of the hours of sunlight in winter and reduce lighting and heating consumption. In this way, the thermal conditions of your home are improved.

In the same way, cooling consumption can be reduced in summer since there are sensors that detect climate changes and the incidence of the sun.

3rd.- It is not necessary to carry out works

To install motors on your blinds you do not need to do any work, since fit virtually all types of roller shutters and awnings. For example, they can be installed on exterior or interior wooden, aluminum or PVC shutters, since it basically consists of replacing the tape with a mechanism that has a built-in motor.

4th.- Increase the security of your home

Automating your blinds makes them security shutters, since you can program its opening and closing simulating that there are people inside the house. In this way, thieves or people who want to occupy it are prevented from entering.

In addition, there are shutter automation systems that are integrated with home automation, making it possible to program the opening of shutters with the lighting on. This system is ideal for when you are going to be away for several days or weeks.

control blinds remotely

5th.- All or some

Although the installation of motors for blinds is a short-term returnable investment, supposes an expense that can be high if we have a large number of windows in our home. However, it is not necessary to automate all the shutters at the same time, but it can be done independently without influencing the programming of all of them. To do this, you just have to choose the same mechanism and system.

6th.- Reduce breakdowns

Motorizing blinds solves the problem of blinds that do not go down properly, as they guarantee perfect opening and closing over time. No more holding the tape in your hand when you go to raise the blind because it has broken.

In addition, there are sensors that automatically stop the motor when it detects an obstacle.

7th.- They help you sleep better

Keeping the room completely dark increases the production of melatonin and improves the quality of our sleep and rest. On the other hand, it is common that in summer we leave the blind raised to allow the passage of air.

By motorizing the blind you can program it to automatically lower before dawn or to open at the time you would like to wake up.

sleep better by installing motors for blinds

Which one of these 7 reasons to automate blinds is the one that would most motivate you to do it? In my case it would be security and being able to control what happens in my home even if I am not there.

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