Access control systems: Increase your security

sistemas de control de acceso

The access management system is a key element in a building where it is needed due to the large volume of daily visitors. When choosing between one or another model of these solutions, it is convenient to opt for a flexible and scalable access control, which has a wide range of modules that can be adapted easily and thus fully meet a company’s specific security needs.

A system with these characteristics can manage, among others, the authorization of visitors, car parks and presence control, and can become the ideal solution for managing access and corporate presence. The most modern access control systems are designed to be integrated into communication infrastructures and IT information systems at a neutral cost for the client, which means that the client does not need to incorporate or maintain additional elements to those established by corporate standards in matter of systems and infrastructure, such as servers, databases, integration interfaces, security and communications. The new products guarantee the compatibility over time of all the installed components and therefore guarantee the investments made by the customers, as well as permanent access to new solutions and technologies.

Among the advantages of access control systems is the fact that they allow the combination of electronic locks and mechanical key systems in a single system, thus producing an extraordinary level of security in the generation and management of means of identification, saving the cost of any update of the IT infrastructure. They also allow working with existing means of identification in the company and are modular and scalable, open to future growth, according to the needs of the company.

Access control systems are installed in large companies

These solutions are mainly aimed at large companies and thanks to their multilanguage application they can even be used in companies with a presence in different locations. Depending on the needs of the installation, rights or access privileges can be reassigned. This would allow, for example, to vary the access needs depending on the completion of a project. They also have an interface with fire protection systems, CCTV systems, intrusion alarm systems and centralized building management. The recording of system data occurs in real time, as people enter and leave the building, and in an emergency they are able to offer an instant image.

These innovative systems are perfect in those facilities that require greater security and organizational efficiency, as well as flexibility and ease of use. They make it possible to reduce the high cost of replacing mechanical keys and locks, and protect confidential documents, or prevent the theft of high-value equipment. They are also very useful for companies with frequent staff changes or those with difficult to predict visitor numbers, as well as for companies that have diverse groups of employees entering different facilities frequently. In addition, it is very useful to install them in the same installation that has different security zones, such as public, semi-public, secure and high security zones. And also in those companies that need to register, by regulation, the transit of people.

The freedom of components of the most modern solutions, both autonomous and online, allows the system to be customized and, therefore, to optimize and adapt the security levels according to the needs of the company. Among other components, readers can be installed for installation both in the door leaves and in glass, metal or exposed concrete.

access control

Access control systems are easy to install

These readers can be installed on any standard light switch or surface-mounted or flush-mounted, and even customized to coordinate with your overall décor. They are ideal for all types of installations such as buildings, elevators or modern infrastructure, as well as for use outdoors.

Another component that can be installed are compact and energy-efficient digital cylinders that offer a unique solution for each type of door. The new models have the advantage that they can be installed on any wooden, glass or metal door, and are also suitable for installation on fire doors. They feature a modern, cutting-edge design and, most importantly, offer increased protection against drilling, optimizing building safety.

Standard models can be found (the card only works on the outside doorknob where access authorization is checked, which is very convenient in offices), or you can opt for dual models, with reading on both sides (for areas where access with a badge is needed on both sides of the door, such as passageways or corridors). There are also models for doors that open on one side only (such as files) or anti-panic versions that require a defined position for the cam, it being essential that these devices can be integrated into fire doors and that they have additional protection against opening.

For their part, the electronic shooters they are offered in classic and modern designs, and are easy to install, adjusting to all types of doors. There are some models that are compatible with practically all door mortise locks and can be installed without the need to change the lock. Others are suitable for offices with multiple applications and can be installed on wood, glass or metal doors using just two screws. There are also models that allow you to open the door just by touching the wood, as long as you carry the key in your pocket or bag.

Finally, there is the possibility of elegant terminals so that employees can update their new access privileges without having to go to the reception or the security Department. Nowadays, many companies update the access rights of their employees very often for security reasons or because they need to access different rooms to carry out their regular work. With these systems, new access rights can be easily entered into the central system and picked up by each employee at the nearest update terminal.

It is a system that can also be used when visitors or subcontractors need to update their access permissions due, for example, to an extension of their stay or access to new rooms. In addition, they are solutions that become an excellent tool to control the presence of employees.

Among its characteristics is, in the most advanced models, an avant-garde aesthetic, which combines perfectly with the most modern architecture. They have a glass front and, optionally, keyboards that facilitate their use and are capable of interacting with the user by allowing basic queries, while they have application packages that include functions for time management.

They are improved models compared to those of a few years ago, with intuitive function keys and language selection options. In addition, they are compatible with readers conventional RFID and, optionally, with fingerprint readers. They stand out for their easy installation and replacement, without data loss, and they do not require an electrical power cable. If the power supply is interrupted, they are able to memorize the data, avoiding its loss and are suitable for installation in industrial environments. In addition, they are compatible with previous generations of terminals and allow additional benefits through license extension. They also allow integration with biometric identification and verification solutions, and have integrated access control functionality for the supervision and control of locking devices.

In short, access control systems allow users to save time and the company money, especially in large organizations or in facilities with remote buildings and frequent movement of staff or visitors.

If you, as an entrepreneur, want to install a modern, flexible and reliable access control, or replace the one you have, or repair the solution if it has broken down, do not hesitate and count on the best professionals in the sector.

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