Christmas decoration: 22 ideas with newspaper

looking for one personalized Christmas decoration, but sustainable and respectful with the environment? Do you like to recycle? Then you can’t miss these 22 ideas to decorate at Christmas with newspaper, you’re going to love them!

Much of newsprint is made from recycled paper. In addition, its rough and absorbent surface make it a very suitable paper for crafts, gifts and decorative objects such as Christmas decorations.

For that reason, I encourage you to use newspaper in your Christmas decorations, since in addition to recycling you can make decorations as original as the following.

Wrap gifts with newspaper

Newspaper is a great ally when it comes to wrap and decorate your Christmas gifts. With it you can create wrappers as beautiful and original as the ones you see below.

This idea is very simple, you just have to wrap the gift with newspaper and add a decoration of pineapples and sackcloth.

wrap gifts with recycled paper

This other idea is ideal for those who are skilled with paper crafts.

wrap gifts with newspaper

In this link you can find more ideas to wrap gifts with recycled material.

Christmas tree with newspaper

If you still don’t have a Christmas tree, now you have no excuse. All you need is newspaper and a few hours to create a eco christmas tree most original.

To make this tree, newspaper clippings have been pricked onto a skewer and given a touch of glitter.

decorate for Christmas with newspaper

These other trees have been made by folding sheets of newspaper in the form of an accordion.

christmas decoration with newspaper

Another option is to make cones with the paper and decorate the ends.

christmas tree with newspaper

In this idea, a polystyrene cone has been lined with strips of newspaper that have been curled to give them that particular shape.

Christmas tree made from newspaper

Christmas decoration balls

If you already have your tree, you can decorate it with some balls lined with newspaper. You will only need glue or adhesive, glitter and a little imagination.

Christmas decorations with newspaper

In this case, a decorated paper detail has been added to the ball and makes a nice contrast with the newspaper.

balls to decorate the tree with recycled material

Another option is to decorate part of the lined ball with glitter.

christmas ball with newspaper

Wreath with newspaper

Wreaths are part of the typical Christmas decoration. you can make your own crown using newspaper, as you can see in the following image, in which a simple wire wreath has been decorated with newspaper stars.

christmas decoration with newspaper

In this other idea, the paper has been given the shape of a sheet.

Christmas wreath made from newspaper

Without a doubt, this crown is only suitable for people who have the patience to cut the infinity of fringes that make it up.

Christmas wreath made from recycled newspaper

Christmas stars with newspaper

At Christmas the stars multiply, they are everywhere: on the tree, in the decoration of our cities and our home, etc. If you want your stars to be different, make them yourself with newspaper as seen in the following images.

Undoubtedly one of the easiest options to make, although not less beautiful for that.

stars made from newspaper

In this case, newspaper has been used to make some origami stars.

origami christmas stars

By forming paper cones and with a touch of glitter, you can make stars as pretty as the next one.

christmas star with newspaper

Another option is to make tubes by rolling up sheets of newspaper.

christmas star with newspaper

A slightly more complicated but very decorative idea.

star made of paper

Christmas decoration crafts to do with the little ones

All these ideas of christmas crafts to do with kids They will make them very entertaining these days of vacation. For example, this idea to make a pretty garland with dry leaves and newspaper (you can see more ideas to make with dry leaves at this link).

decoration with dried leaves

They will surely love making a hanging decoration like this funny little clown with a Styrofoam ball and newspaper.

hanging ornament with newspaper

This idea is the most suitable to describe the magic of Christmas.

Newspaper crafts to do with kids

Another craft that the little ones will surely love are these little houses lined with newspaper.

Christmas decorations to do with the kids

They could not miss some wings lined with newspaper, after all, children are all little angels…

Newspaper crafts for kids

Do you like to decorate your home for Christmas? I hope you are 22 Christmas decoration ideas with newspaper inspire you to create your own decorations with recycled material.

If you liked this post, you can find much more inspiration and DIY ideas at .

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