First tips for enviable gardens

Today we’ll look at a few garden tips to help you make yours the king of the neighborhood.

To begin with, we have to take into account the weather seasons, since the care it will require our garden, are different. Therefore, below I will collect, as clearly and concisely as possible, the main cares of a generic nature.

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Tips for gardens in winter

As temperatures drop, plant growth slows down. This does not mean that they do not need minimal care.

At the end of the winter season, we must prepare our garden for its return to greater activity that causes rising temperatures. Therefore, it is now when we must fertilize the land of the plants that require it.

We must also take into account the possibility of frost. In this way, we must protect the most delicate plants, putting them on porches or places more sheltered from the intense cold.

In case this option is not possible, we can protect them with plastic as a “shelter”.

Pruning in winter is not advisable, precisely because of the low temperatures.

Spring Garden Tips

With spring comes good weather and warmer temperatures. Which makes the plants in our garden begin to regain their vitality.

If we have not done it at the end of winter, we must fertilize the plants now to help them grow.

Now is also the time to plant new plants, and prune the ones we already had in case they need it.

But beware, not everything in spring is good. With rising temperatures, the possibility of the arrival of pests and diseases increases. We must be vigilant in this regard.

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Tips for gardens in summer

In this season the photosynthesis activity of plants is in full swing. Therefore, we must take care of providing them with the necessary nutrients and water.

We must also eliminate weeds, to prevent them from absorbing part of the nutrients that were destined exclusively for our garden.

And last but not least, we must be very aware of the problem that began to appear in spring: pests and diseases. We must act as soon as possible.

Fall Garden Tips

In autumn, the plants begin to prepare for the arrival of the cold. Deciduous plants and trees will begin to lose their leaves little by little.

So we will have to pay again, and remove the fallen leaves.

Tips for gardens throughout the year

A very common element in gardens is the lawn. A well-kept lawn can completely change the look of a garden as a whole.

However, an impeccable lawn requires certain care.

Some of the different varieties of grass that exist, as well as the climate of the area where it is located, may require certain specific care. However, below we will give some basic tips that are suitable for any type of lawn.

lawn trimming

One of the tasks to maintain a spectacular lawn is to cut it periodically. Unlike the pruning of trees, shrubs and plants in general, it is only advisable to do it at certain times, the lawn requires mowing throughout the year.

The recommended frequency for mowing the lawn is as follows:

Winter: Once a month.

Spring: Two or three times a month.

Summer: Once a week.

Fall: Two or three times a month.

Choice of lawnmower

There are electric lawnmowers, with cable or battery, and gasoline.

If the lawn area is medium or large, without a doubt, the latter are the most suitable.

As with any other consumer item, the market is saturated with alternatives which, if we are not experts on the subject, not only do not help us but also confuse us even more.

However, we have located this real comparison made by HogarTOP, in which it makes a selection of the five best gasoline lawnmowers, taking into account the quality/price ratio, and they explain the characteristics of each of them.

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Advantages of gasoline lawn mowers

Below we will briefly see some of the advantages of gasoline lawn mowers.

  • increased speed. By incorporating more powerful motors than electric ones, it achieves greater speed in carrying out the work.
  • Greater coverage of the work area. The motor they incorporate gives them the necessary power to trim gardens with large areas of lawn.
  • Best results. Only a powerful machine will be able to achieve optimal results.
  • Security. By not having to work connected to the electrical current, the possibility of damaging the cable with the blades themselves is eliminated, making work more comfortable and safer.
  • Greater autonomy. By not needing a cable, gasoline lawnmowers will have total independence, which becomes more necessary the larger the lawn area.

Other aspects to consider

  • The height that the grass should have is approximately 5 cm.
  • The blade cut should never be more than one third of the blade length, otherwise it will be detrimental due to the stress caused.
  • It is also not advisable to mow the grass when it is wet.
  • And, finally, try to cut it in the last hours of the day in order to avoid the hottest hours.

I hope that all these tips for gardens, even though they are basic and generic, can help you get started and begin to delve into the rewarding and relaxing hobby of gardening.

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