How to install a gate correctly

como colocar una puerta - destacada

Today we will learn how to place a door in our home, a task that at first glance may seem like a fairly easy task, however, if the assembly is not done correctly, there may be spaces on the edges of the door or it simply does not fit correctly. correct way.

Below from based on our professional experience as locksmiths we will give you a few steps to avoid problems like these and thus install our door successfully. let’s see then how to put a door:

How to put a door - photo 1

  • Measure the opening of the door: For these purposes, we must use a tape measure and thus measure the height and width of the opening of our door, then we proceed to write down the measurements we obtained.
  • Properly check the floor: This is to be able to probe the level and the jambs, so we must measure the exact amount in which the floor is out of level. Remember that the opposite jamb must be cut in half so that the door is level in the corresponding opening.
  • Once the two previous steps have been carried out, we proceed to buy the door, which must be 2 inches, that is, 5.08 cm less than the opening where the door will go. Likewise, it should be slightly smaller than the size of the door frame so that there is a small space for proper closing, this step is of great importance in how to place a door.
  • When we already have our door, we proceed to cut it out using a pencil to correctly mark the measurements we obtained. As a rule of thumb, let’s leave a 2mm gap between the door itself and the sides and top. The bottom of the door must allow a space of approximately 6 to 12 mm.

Now we continue explaining how to place a door, starting with 6 definitive steps that will allow us to alter the properties of the door so that its adjustment is correct, these are the steps to follow:

How to put a door - photo 2


How to install a door

  • Alter the door by cutting the jamb at its top with a hacksaw. Remember that if you cut more than ΒΌ inch, you will most likely have to cut a piece of the bottom to adjust according to the slope or relief of the ground.
  • Now we will proceed to trim the door, either through the use of a saw or simply with a carpenter’s plane. Then we must sand the edges until they are completely smooth. An important piece of advice on how to place a door is that we do not cut large pieces, it is better to cut small ones and gradually increase the cut until we find the right one.
  • Make sure the door fits properly by lifting it up with someone’s help.
  • We proceed to place the corresponding hinges, therefore, it is important to decide in which direction or side we want it to open, this is decisive in how to place a door correctly in our home.
  • Now we are going to cut the holes of the hinge, that is, the mortises. To do this we will use a chisel and make the holes on the surface of the door, inside the marks we made with pencil.
  • Once we make the holes, we proceed to hang the door by screwing the hinges with a drill or screwdriver, fixing the hinges to the frame, placing the screws in the corresponding holes so that the hinges are correctly fixed to the frame.

That’s all, by following these steps you will know how to place a door correctly and you will avoid headaches as well as save a few extra euros and decorate your room much more according to your tastes.


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