How to keep your terrace cool in summer: practical guide and ideas

Is it so hot that it doesn’t even cool you to be on the terrace? These 7 ideas will help you keep your terrace cool or your garden, even the days when the sun shines the most. Don’t let the high temperatures prevent you from enjoying a moment of relaxation and disconnection outside. Read on to find out how to get it.

There is no doubt that it is with the arrival of good weather when you most enjoy the terrace or the garden. However, when the temperature rises, it is sometimes impossible to be in it. For this reason and so that you can enjoy it to the fullest even when the sun shines, take note of these practices ideas and tips to help you keep your terrace cool in summer.

1º.- Install a nebulizer

A outdoor air conditioning fogger it has an effect similar to the cloud of water that forms near waterfalls and water jets. Thanks to it, a very pleasant sensation of freshness is achieved, since it allows you to create a microclimate on your terrace. Using a nebulizer you will be able to lower the ambient temperature by about 8 degrees Celsius. In addition, this method of cooling does not involve excessive water consumption and its maintenance is very simple.

Another advantage is that installation is very easy. Today there are kits that you can install yourself easily and saving installation costs. This is the case of the Garland Foggy Home nebulizer, which you can fix on a wall, pergola or in the place on your terrace that best suits you. The following video tutorial shows how to correctly install the nebulizer.

2º.- Refresh with plants

Not only will they help decorate and give life to your terrace, plants will help you refresh the environment because they absorb heat and emit oxygen, lowering the ambient temperature. Among the most popular are plants with large green leaves, such as ivy, vines or aloe vera.

In addition, the plants will help you purify your terrace and improve the quality of the air. In fact, some of them are capable of removing harmful substances and contaminants present in cleaning products, for example. What are you waiting for to fill your terrace with plants?

refresh your terrace with plants

3º.- Install awnings, umbrellas and parasols

Did you know install an awning or umbrella Can you lower the temperature of your terrace? It will also protect you from UVA radiation, which is especially harmful in the hot months. You can install it so that it covers the terrace totally or partially, although it is best to fold it. In this way, you will take advantage of the air that runs at night and that is so appreciated in summer.

An alternative solution, especially if you have a pergola, is to use a hurdle. It will protect you from the sun while providing privacy to your terrace.

keep the terrace cool in summer with awnings

4º.- Place fans

There are days when not a single leaf moves and the heat becomes even more suffocating. In these cases, a fan can be a relief. It can be installed on the roof if your terrace is covered, or use a standing one. Although you have to know that, if the air is hot, removing it is not going to be the solution to cool you down either, the nebulizer is a better option because it lowers the ambient temperature by about 6 degrees.

fans to keep your terrace cool in summer

5º.- Furniture against heat

You can achieve a greater sensation of freshness by using cold colors to decorate your terrace like green and blue. Painting the walls white will also help increase that feeling. Other recommendations that should be taken into account:

  • Avoid plastic or resin furniture as it gets quite hot and will increase the sensation of heat.
  • There are protectors for wooden furniture with a formulation that reflects infrared radiation. In this way, you will be able to significantly reduce the temperature of the furniture that is exposed to the sun.
  • Use cotton textiles as they are breathable and ideal for high temperatures.

tips to keep your terrace cool in summer

6º.- Forget the barbecue

If you want to keep your terrace cool in summer avoid the use of household appliances that can generate heat, especially during the day. For example, if you have a washer/dryer room there, do your laundry at night.

On the other hand, as much as you want to have a barbecue in summer, the heat of the embers will make the room temperature rise several degrees. If you organize a party, take advantage of this time to make refreshing fruit and vegetable skewers accompanied by exotic cocktails. Success will be assured and no one will miss the barbecue.

barbecue for terrace or garden

7º.- Solar cooling

Did you know that it is possible to use the renewable energies to generate cold in summer? Currently there are systems that make use of solar energy to cool the air. To do this, the heat obtained by solar collectors such as conventional panels or vacuum tubes is used.

solar energy to cool the house

I hope these 7 ideas and tips will help you keep your terrace cool in summer, being able to enjoy it to the fullest. If you have found this guide interesting, do not miss these others either to keep your home cool in summer and to insulate your windows from the heat.

You can find many more decoration guides and DIY projects at

Images: Instagram

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