How to recycle ceramic vases and renew them with spray paint


If you have several ceramic vases at home that are outdated, or that no longer fit in with your new decoration, or that you simply no longer like them, don’t throw them away! You may recycle ceramic vases with spray paint and decorate them to your liking to give them a totally renewed air.

On one of my visits to the old family home (which is like a big trunk of memories), I noticed that there was a good collection of ceramic vases. Although most were in good condition, some were not particularly pretty or had a rather outdated design. Finally I took the three you see in the following image and took them home ready to give them a second chance.


After giving it some thought I decided to decorate the three vases creating a common link so that they would combine with each other, for this I would renew their design with spray paint since it is a quick and economical way to renew them without the use of a brush or brush being noticed. brush.


To recycle ceramic vases with spray paint very few are needed materials:

– PintyPlus Evolution Acrylic spray paint, one or several colors depending on the design we want to make.
– PintyPlus gesso spray primer, only if the vase is glazed or varnished ceramic.
– Masking tape.
– Gloves and mask.

Step by Step

Before we start we have to take into account a series of considerations when using spray paint:

– We must read the technical specifications and instructions for use that appear on the container since in this way we will know the drying time, repainting, etc.
– Before starting to paint you have to shake the bottle for about 2 or 3 minutes.
– When we paint we must keep the boat in a vertical position or slightly inclined, at a distance of about 25 or 30 centimeters from the object.
– To prevent a lot of dust from being produced, we should not press the sprayer continuously, but give short strokes from left to right and from top to bottom.
– Even if we are going to paint a small object, it is advisable to use a mask and gloves.

Below I indicate the steps I took to recycle these three vases of ceramic and that were the following:

1º.- First vases are cleaned with burning alcohol to remove dust, dirt and traces of cleaning products.

2º.- If the vase is glazed or varnished ceramic give a primer since in this way a good adherence of the paint is guaranteed. Since I had previously used gesso spray primer on glass bottles (you can see an example at this link) and I liked the result (it only takes a couple of minutes to apply and leaves no marks), I used it again for the two vases that were enameled.


The primer will also help us to need less paint when painting the vases, although if they are not enameled or varnished we can do without it since the Pintyplus Evolution Acrylic spray paint has good adhesion in general.

3º.- Once the primer has dried (about 30 minutes) I painted with spray paint color RAL 6033 Mint Turquoise, for this you have to place the pot about 25/30 centimeters from the vase and make movements with your hand from left to right and from top to bottom, in this way we will ensure a good finish as shown. you can see in the following image.


4º.- To combine with the turquoise green I chose gold spray paint (NVS M192), so once the first layer was dry (about 15 minutes), I protected the area that I did not want to repaint with masking tape and film to wrap food (newspaper or aluminum foil can also be used).


After removing the tape and protective film, the vase looked like a totally different one.


I repeated the same operation with the other two vases, although as I have already mentioned I did not use a primer with the one with the carved surface since it was not glazed. In this way I got three previously unrelated vases will now form a decorative ensemble by sharing the same color and design.


Thanks to the spray paint, I completely renewed the appearance of the vases in just a few hours. Seeing their updated design, nobody would say that they are several years old and that they also had no relationship between them. Besides this same idea of ​​creating a common link between different objects can be applied to figures, picture frames, furniture, etc.


In the following image you can observe in detail one of the great advantages of using spray paint: its clean, streak-free finish.


What do you think of this idea? recycle ceramic vases? By unifying the color and using the same design, it has been possible to create a decorative set with some vases that previously had no relation to each other, for this only a couple of cans of spray paint have been necessary. Did you imagine that a ceramic vase so quickly and cheaply?

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