How to reform a flat with minimalist style

estilo minimalista decoracion - destacada

The minimalist concept means to make as simple as possible. It is a decorative trend that uses basic and minimal elements such as geometric shapes, pure colors and slightly exuberant lines.

Minimalism emerged as a current contrary to the excesses of the fashion of the 60’s in New York, resulting in a decorative style and becoming influence both architecture and fashion, music and painting. It is currently a fashionable style in Europe where space is taken into account.

What makes a floor minimalist?

A flat with a minimalist style, according to the renovation experts at, means have a space without unnecessary elements in the decorative line to enhance the image of the elements thanks to the order and simplicity of the design. But, what are the characteristics that determine that a floor is minimalist? We will explain it to you below, indicating 4 fundamental aspects to take into account when renovating your apartment with a minimalist style.

Pure and soft colors

One of the special characteristics of a floor with a minimalist touch is that it is painted with soft tones and pure colors, among which ecru and white predominate. It also includes black in subtle points to accent objects and accessories. It does not usually have very strong and striking colors, but softer and more neutral colors.

Normally you will need a base color that you use in 70% of the space and another color to balance and that will occupy 30% of the wall. The latter can also be used in rugs, cushions or curtains.

textile elements

In a flat with minimalist style, the fabrics are not pompous and are cooler to invite the inhabitants of the house to relax. For a floor to have fabrics that accompany a minimalist floor, these cannot be flowery or patternedbeing smooth and colored like those mentioned above, the desired effect will be obtained, creating a bright environment.

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Furniture and materials

The furniture is characterized by being austere in its design, with little furniture installed in the space. For its part, the most used material in the minimalist style is wood, both on the floor and on the furniture. This decorative style also advocates the use of practically untouched craft materials such as glass, smooth cement, stones and steel wire.

The distribution of the furniture and the type of material chosen are important variables in home renovations with a minimalist style, because they allow you to give your home the image you want by managing the space as you prefer.


The adornments are few within a flat with a minimalist style, in this space light colors or simple coatings prevail, such as stone, as the only decorative element.

Tips to know how to renovate your apartment with a minimalist style

  1. Don’t start from scratch. To achieve a minimalist environment in the home, you do not have to get rid of everything you have by starting over. You only have to visualize the elements that no longer have any function in your home, order the rest without disappearing from sight and replace the old furniture with simpler furniture that saves space.
  2. The minimalist style is very versatile. Minimalism can be applied both in old buildings and in modern architecture. Especially tall spaces or lofts with two visible floors do very well with this style.
  3. The order is essential. It is important that you bear in mind that, if you want your home to have a minimalist style, you must be tidy because if an object is not in its place, it will lose all the minimalist line. how to reform apartment with minimalist style - photo 2
  4. Choose the materials well. To achieve a pure minimalist style, you need to use materials such as steel, glass, or polished finishes that offer a sense of cleanliness, achieving a space free of additional ornamentation.
  5. Take care of the unity of the elements. Another important point that stands out in the minimalist style is the sense of unity. In the design of your home there must be elements that coexist and build a whole. For this, you must do it indoors, especially combining furniture and armchairs with elements that participate in the decoration of the space.

Thanks to these tips and taking into account the main aspects that we have indicated, you can start thinking about how to reform your home with a minimalist style. Follow these tips and start enjoying your home like never before.

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