How to renew the decoration with spray paint


If you like to follow the latest trends in decoration, you have two options: either buy new accessories each season, or tune up the ones you already have to renew and update them. As you may have imagined, my favorite option is the second and with this post I want to show you how to renew the decoration with spray paint to follow one of the trends of the moment: the combination of white, black and gold.

A few days ago I told you that Handbox had launched the Novasol Spray Craftlover Challenge and showed you how it had renovated some furniture with its Chalk product line (you can see the step-by-step at this link).


But I also wanted to participate in the Craftlover Challenge with Novasol Spray’s Pintyplus Evolution product line, specifically using gold-colored Pintyplus Evolution and combining it with Pintyplus Tech forge that I already had at home.

The combination of gold and black may bring back memories of styles of yesteryear, ornate or very classic, but if we add white and give it a modern touch, elegant environments with a chic touch can be achieved.


Getting carried away by the “gold rush” the first thing I did was take several objects to renew the decoration with spray paint, specifically two glass jars and a photo frame that I had at home.



First of all, I removed the labels from the glass containers and removed the remaining adhesive with methylated spirit (to remove stubborn labels you can see this link). I then protected the outside of the jars with masking tape since I was only going to paint its interior.

The next step was moisten the inner walls of glass jars with a little water, in this way it is achieved that the first layer of paint does not adhere completely to the surface, but rather slides off forming a kind of “dribbles”. Then I painted the inside of the jars with black forge spray paint, let it dry for about 12 hours and gave a second coat this time with gold spray paint.

Using this technique, a peculiar and sophisticated fusion of both colors is can be seen in the following image:


To finish off the top of both jars I used mouse glue. In this way I had managed to recycle two glass jars into a trendy vase and candle holder set (you can see more ideas for recycling glass jars at this link).


As there are not two without three, I wanted to complement this set with a painting, for this the first thing I did was paint the frame with forging spray since it has a matte black finish that I love.


Once it had dried, I sprayed water over the entire frame and gave a second coat of gold spray paint but not all over it as I left a diagonal strip unpainted. In this way he managed to give a modern and more current look to the frame.


In addition, he created «mercury effect» with spray paintsince the bubbles that had formed when spraying with water had prevented the gold paint from being completely fixed, allowing the first black layer to be seen.


The next step was make a DIY sheet to complete the table. I was hesitating between several designs but in the end I opted for a geometric one made up of 3D cardboard triangles. Here is the template I used:


To make the triangles I used a yellow cardboard, although the color really didn’t matter too much and once assembled I was going to spray paint them gold.


After I assembled a few triangles (and my cats appropriated some of them), I fixed them with double-sided tape on a sheet of paper and spray-painted them. Then I cut out all the excess paper and fixed it to a white cardboard on which I had previously stamped a stamp that simulates the old writing.


In the following image you can see how this painting was finally completely renovated and with a unique design:


Now all that remained was to put in the details, with some paper flowers and a candle, the three pieces form a current set that combines three fashionable colors: white, black and gold.


After seeing this transformation, do you dare to renew the decoration with paint? You can update both objects that you already have, such as in my case the frame, and also others that we normally discard, such as glass jars. Do you like the black&white&gold combination? The advantage is that if you get tired of it, you only have to give another coat of paint to return to brand new decoration.

If you liked this post, you can see many more step-by-step and DIY ideas at .

Creative challenge: Handbox and Pintyplus Evolution by Novasol Spray

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