How to renovate the bathroom with shower screens and columns

Last March we published an article that dealt with the renovation of the bathroom, giving the indications so that you could change the sink, the toilet, and the shower plate yourself.

Today we want to complement the aforementioned information with another publication dedicated to the replacement of the shower column, and the installation of a screen.

Installation of a shower column

As is logical, the first step is to decide on the column that you like the most and that meets your needs and, of course, buy it. We have found on the TratoBarato website a selection that we have found interesting.

Before placing the screen, we must install the shower column. The reason is very easy: in this way we will have more space to be able to work correctly.

renovate the bathroom with shower - photo 1

Necessary materials

Well, having clarified this, the first thing is to prepare all the material and tools that we will need.

  • The new shower column, of course.
  • Drill and wall bits.
  • Hammer.
  • Plugs and screws.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Pencil.
  • Bubble level.
  • Tap wrench or, at least, a medium-sized adjustable wrench (that reaches number 30 or 35).

Column Installation Procedure

Before touching anything, you must close the stopcocks in the bathroom.

After this essential detail, the first thing is to remove the old faucet and the support for the shower.

Once this is done, we must mark the exact place where our shower column will go. To do this, we will use a tape measure, a spirit level, and a pencil.

We will present the template of our column, and we will mark.

We remove the template, and drill at the points we have marked, which is where the supports will go.

We introduce the nylon studs.

We connect the hoses to the column, at one of its ends, and to the wall at the other. To do this, use Teflon tape or thread, to ensure that no leaks will occur.

EYE: Respect the hot and cold water pipe, do not connect them to the contrary.

And finally, we fix the column to the wall.

We place it checking its verticality, and we screw it.

And let’s check again with the level that it is plumb.

Threw out!! We already have our new shower column installed and working.


Installation of a shower screen

Now it is the turn of our screen. Regarding this, there are infinite possibilities in the market, being able to find all kinds of shapes, systems, types of glass,…

All this is what you can find in the TratoBarato catalogue.

Well, let’s move on to what interests us.

renovate the bathroom with screen - photo 2

Necessary materials

  • Our shower screen.
  • Drill and wall bits.
  • Hammer.
  • Plugs and screws.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Pencil.
  • cutter.
  • Bubble level.
  • Silicone, with its applicator.


This type of bathroom accessory is purchased in a kit. Therefore, it brings all the parts, screws, etc., necessary for its complete installation.

On the other hand, regarding the opening, the doors are pivoting, that is, they open to both sides. In addition, on the vertical of both sheets, they usually have a magnetic profile so that the closure of both is more watertight.

Screen installation procedure

The first thing is to present the compensation profiles and mark the place of the holes. Therefore, we place one of these profiles completely vertical with the help of the spirit level, and mark with a pencil the place where the holes will go.

We make the holes, insert the nylon plugs, place the profile in the correct position, and screw.

We proceed in the same way with the profile that is facing, corresponding to the other sheet.

Next we need to place the door. To do this, we place the leaves in the location that the profiles have for it, we screw them, and we test that they open and close well.

Finally we will have to put the finishing details.

We will start with the lower brushes. It’s very simple, you just have to slide the internal rail of the brush along the glass sheet, and cut the excess with a cutter.

We put the plugs that carry the two side profiles at their upper end, to prevent water from penetrating inside. You just have to snap them together.

We put the trims on the screws.

And, finally, we apply silicone along both profiles, where they join the wall. Keep in mind that the appropriate silicone for bathrooms and kitchens must have a fungicide. In this way you will prevent it from blackening and proliferation of fungi.

If you want to see how to apply silicone professionally and cleanly, you can see this other article How to apply silicone correctly.

If after reading this article, you feel like renovating the bathroom yourself, be sure to read the article How to renovate the bathroom, which I referred to at the beginning of this publication, in which you have the basic steps so that you can install the sink, the toilet, and the shower plate.

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