Ideas to organize your workshop at home

ideas para organizar el taller - destacada

How much time do you spend looking for your tools? To carry out your DIY projects comfortably, it is essential to organize the workshop. Having a good organization of your workspace will allow you to be more productive, since you will not waste time looking for your tools and you will control your work environment. In this post I will show you simple ideas so that you have everything at hand and work at ease at home.

prepare the space

Take measures to better distribute the available space. Your workshop should have several differentiated areas:

    • a work area in the center,
    • a storage area around
    • and a space for cleaning that includes a water intake.

Basic elements to organize your tools

Having all your hand tools in sight will allow you to find them quickly. To do this, the ideal is that you can hang them on the wall using panels. In addition, this way they will be more ventilated and you will prevent them from rusting. I recommend mounting panels that adapt to the available space.

At the time of placing the tools in their place, it is advisable that you organize them by categories. For example, you can put the ones for woodworking in one area and the ones for metalworking in another.

As for power tools such as drills, saws, sanders, etc., I recommend storing each one individually in a sturdy box. This way you can also store your accessories inside.

The boxes are ideal for small workshops at home, as they allow you to optimize space by stacking one on top of the other or placing them under tables or shelves. The drawback of this option is that you will have to put labels on all the boxes to know where you put everything.

Another solution is to place your tools on shelves. This will help you keep everything close at hand and the tools will stay ventilated. The disadvantage is that they are more exposed to dust.

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Having a workbench is essential to work comfortably. You will find a wide variety of models on the market, but if space is limited, it is a good idea to decide on a folding bench.

It must be resistant, preferably metal, and capable of supporting at least 100 kg.

metal shelves

On the other hand, metal shelves are a good storage alternative for your workshop. I suggest you opt for a larger model than you need, since it probably won’t take long to fill the empty spaces with new accessories and tools.

magnetic organizers

Organizing everything quickly with a magnetic tool holder is great. They are ideal for putting screwdrivers, bits, wrenches, etc.

Added to this, they are easy and quick to assemble and you can place them on the wall or on the workbench.

Its function is to organize the metal tools so that you can easily have them at hand.

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Tool trolleys

Tool trolleys are very useful, as they offer the possibility of easily moving the hand tools that you use most frequently and at the same time prevent them from being scattered around the workshop.

Keep only what you use frequently on hand

Keep only what you use frequently on hand. In this sense, I suggest you store the tools and accessories that you use the least in the upper or lower part of a shelf. You can also store duplicate tools in boxes, but remember to label them so that when you need what you’ve saved it won’t be too hard to find.

Avoid accumulating tools or accessories that do not work. If you consider that you can use any of its parts as a spare part, disassemble it and keep only that part. If you need new tools to replace the damaged ones, choose wisely, seek help to choose on websites specialized in tools, such as Bricopico.

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Sort after each task

After each job, you must clean your workshop and collect all the tools and materials you have used. In the event that you stop some work and you have spare parts to assemble or disassembled parts, it is advisable that you store them in boxes or have a space enabled to store these elements and thus prevent them from being lost.

Take advantage of the spaces of your workshop

It is very common to find dead or poorly used spaces in workshops. Analyze your workshop and identify areas that could be used to store, recycle or organize large tools and accessories.

Cleanliness is essential

It is essential that you clean your tools to extend their useful life, this can take just 10 or 15 minutes a day.

In the same way, it is important that you keep your workshop clean to prevent dirt from the environment from reaching your tools. For this I recommend:

  1. Vacuum the floor frequently.
  2. Regularly clean the dust and dirt on the work table.
  3. Keep a bin handy for common waste and a container for waste that requires special disposal. Remember that if you work with flammable, dangerous or toxic materials, you must separate the waste according to its nature.
  4. Never leave paint, solvent, grease or other chemical containers open, otherwise spills may occur.
  5. Concentrate the work area in a single point, so you will not unnecessarily dirty other areas.
  6. Keep your workshop ventilated to prevent the appearance of moisture. Use dehumidifiers if necessary.

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Important Safety Precautions

If you have a workshop at home, you need to put into practice certain tips to ensure the safety of everyone in your home, especially if there are children.

You must restrict access to the little ones, preventing them from entering alone, it is also important that you keep tools, materials and products out of their reach. It will be enough to put a lock on the door and keep the most dangerous things in locked cabinets.

As for your own safety, it is essential that you always have work gloves, protective glasses and appropriate clothing for each job to be carried out.

After following these tips you will be able to organize the workshop, keep it clean and ensure that it is safe for everyone. In a short time you will be able to notice the great benefits of the time invested and you will be more comfortable when carrying out your DIY projects.


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