Install custom glass fireplace doors without works

cómo instalar puertas a medida para chimenea - destacada

Fireplaces are an element, not only decorative, but also functional that does not go out of style, precisely for this last reason.

Due to the innovation that this sector has undergone and continues to do so, with the incorporation of new types of fuels, they make it possible to install them not only in houses and single-family homes, but also in flats.

In this article we will deal with relevant aspects of the efficiency in its operation and consumption, reducing some of the traditional drawbacks such as smoke, and making it possible to save on consumption, while increasing the conditioning of the home during the winter months.

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Closed fireplace.


Why does the chimney revoke smoke?

Sometimes, more often than desirable, we can find ourselves in the uncomfortable situation that our chimney does not sufficiently evacuate the smoke, causing its plaster to enter the interior of the house.

There are several reasons as possible causes for this. On the one hand, it could be an obstruction in the chimney draft due to the accumulation of soot or even due to the existence of a bird’s nest. In these cases, the solution would be to carry out a thorough cleaning of the duct.

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Possible reasons for the plaster of the smoke.

Another reason could be that the smoke outlet is insufficient, that is, too narrow for the amount of smoke generated by the chimney.

It could also be a construction defect caused by an excessive inclination of the chimney draft. The tube must be as vertical as possible and never with inclinations greater than 45º.

Even in the case of chimneys with cassettes or doors, it could be a faulty seal or even a faulty coupling due to an erroneous measurement.

The easiest way to eliminate or reduce this problem is to install custom fireplace doors. These doors for fireplaces are designed and manufactured specifically for this use, sealing the entire front of the fireplace airtight, and forcing the smoke out only through the draft. In addition, the glass they mount makes it possible to control the fire better, optimizing its combustion and improving thermal performance.


Choice of type of fireplace

The first decision we have to make when installing a fireplace is whether we want it open or closed.

Although open fireplaces are one of the most esteemed and traditional elements of the home, they are not the most in demand today due to the discomfort of smoke, the danger of fire and their low heating efficiency. On the contrary, it is the closed chimneys that are being installed the most.

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Choosing the type of chimney.

This type of fireplace, in addition to enjoying the advantages of the open ones, such as, for example, enjoying the spectacle of the dance and swaying that the flames experience when burning the wood, provide other much more interesting advantages.

From the point of view of efficiency, a clean combustion is achieved, without odours, without smoke and, above all, efficient, since by being able to control the entry of air, the speed of combustion is drastically reduced and, therefore, consumption. of firewood.


Characteristics of the doors for fireplaces

One of the possible solutions would be to install an insert or cassette. It would be a good solution as long as it is going to be installed in chimneys that have not yet been built, since for it to look good, the chimney must be built around it.

Therefore, the ideal solution for existing fireplaces involves, as we say, the installation of custom-made doors, for example the Hot Fire Door, since their installation is carried out without work and the fireplace is hermetic.

These types of doors are marketed with one or two leaves as well as corner doors, thus adapting to most types of existing fireplaces.

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Custom doors for fireplaces.

Regardless of whether it has one or two leaves, two types of fireplace doors are manufactured.

Simple doors:

This type of door consists only of the frame and the glazed leaf or leaves, at the base of which is where the control gate is installed.

Drawer doors:

The other type also incorporates a burner and an ash drawer. The drawer pull does double duty. On the one hand, it is used to remove the drawer to empty and clean it and, on the other hand, it controls the air intake depending on its position.

Being made to measure, they can regulate the air intake and thus avoid unnecessary loss of hot air in the room where the fireplace is installed.

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Oxygen inlet regulator.

On the other hand, glass doors manage to provide the fire with the necessary amount of oxygen for perfect combustion. The vitroceramic glass that makes up the fireplace door supports perfectly around 700ºC, making it possible to save considerably on firewood, while maintaining a constant temperature in the room.

Another advantage provided by fireplace doors is the drastic reduction in the risk of fire compared to traditional open fireplaces.

In addition, with these doors, the dirt and the smell caused by the smoke given off by the combustion of firewood are also reduced, keeping the house cleaner.


Characteristics of glass doors for fireplaces

As expected, the glass that is mounted on the doors of fireplaces is not normal and current, but a glass for specific fireplaces. It is a vitroceramic glass, capable of withstanding high temperatures constantly without being altered. Crystals for fireplaces withstand temperatures between 500ºC and 800ºC constantly.

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The specific vitro-ceramic glass for fireplaces.

Another characteristic of this type of glass is its transparency. The interior of the fireplace is seen with absolute clarity, having everything under control. With a simple glance you know if the fireplace is on, if it has enough wood and if it is being consumed properly, without having to open the door with the consequent loss of heat.

On the other hand, its cleaning is very simple, since the glass is cleaned exactly the same as if it were a normal one. With a damp cloth you can remove the remains of ash even when hot. And when cold, you can use a glass cleaner, leaving the door impeccable.

The energy efficiency it provides must also be taken into account, since the heat is distributed evenly throughout the room.


Installation of fireplace doors

As we have said before, this type of door is installed without work and, therefore, without debris and without dirt.

We can always opt for the option of having them installed by qualified personnel from the selling company. However, it is not necessary to be a professional to install them, since their installation is very simple and we can install it ourselves.

Next we will see the steps to follow to install our fireplace doors.

Materials and tools needed:

  • The frame and the doors.
  • The drawer and burner, if you have opted for this model.
  • Refractory putty for joints, which supports up to 1,500ºC.
  • Anchor metal studs.
  • Bubble level.
  • hammer drill.
  • Drill bit for concrete, which is usually about 10 mm in diameter.
  • Adjustable or fixed wrench.
  • Silicone applicator gun.

Steps to follow to perform the installation:

Step One – Submit and Score

The first thing we must do is disassemble the leaves of the frame. Once separated, we present the frame in its location, we level it with the help of the bubble level and we fit it in the definitive position, duly level and flush with the front of the fireplace.

Second step – Mark and drill

With a marker or pencil we mark the points where the frame will be fixed inside the fireplace.

Once the anchor points have been marked, we remove the frame and drill the holes.

Third step – Anchor

In the holes made we will insert the metal bolts. We put the frame back in place and screw it firmly.

Fourth step – Apply the putty

We mount the tube of refractory putty on the applicator gun, and seal the joints around the perimeter of the frame. It is recommended to seal from the back.

Fifth step – Assemble the door

Now it only remains to mount the door leaf or leaves in their place. This assembly is carried out very easily, inserting the upper part first and then fitting it below.

The installation is now finished. However, it is recommended to wait 24 hours before using the fireplace, so that the putty sets completely and the fireplace is watertight.


General aspects to take into account

To finish, below we are going to list several aspects related to safety and efficiency, to take into account in any type of fireplace.

The draft of the chimney must be sufficient so that the air heats up as soon as possible and evacuates the smoke properly, thus avoiding poisoning.

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The importance of security.

Passive safety must also be kept in mind when we talk about fireplaces. This must be away from any flammable element such as furniture, sofas, curtains, rugs or any other similar object, leaving it sufficiently isolated.

Regarding efficiency, on the one hand, we must make sure that the dimensions of the fireplace are adequate with respect to the surface of the room where it is located, without being too large or too small. And, on the other hand, that the fireplace has doors, to reduce consumption to just and necessary, avoiding uncontrolled combustion of firewood.


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