make flowers with plastic bottles

hacer flores con botellas de plastico


make flowers with pet bottles

In order to respond to the many queries regarding one of the recycling jobs that appear in our video “1000 ideas to recycle plastic bottles” from one of the collections of our youtube channel.

In today’s article we are going to leave you a tutorial showing the procedure to make flowers with plastic water or soda bottles.

Although it may seem like a complex and laborious job, it is really simple. And the result obtained is truly amazing.

make flowers with plastic bottles

Remember that with the recycling of materials that are harmful to the environment, it is essential for the maintenance and conservation of our planet.

Your children and your children’s children will thank you.

This is how they are done:

make flowers with plastic bottles


This is the material we are going to use:

– Plastic bottles, both colored and transparent.

– Scissors or cutter.

– Candle

– Wire

– Hot Silicon

make flowers with plastic bottles

We start with colored plastic. We prepare a paper mold in the shape of blades and use it to cut several pieces of plastic. I have cut three. They do not need to be very well trimmed because then the defects are not noticeable.

make flowers with plastic bottles

Holding the plastic pieces with tweezers, we place them on a candle. It is not necessary to approach the flame, just stand on it, about 15 cm away.

make flowers with plastic bottles

The effect of heat will cause the blades to bend downwards.

make flowers with plastic bottles

We heat a metal needle (for example, the ones used to sew wool) and use it to pierce the center of the blades. In order not to burn ourselves, we hold the needle with the tweezers.

make flowers with plastic bottles

We prepare a template in the shape of a petal and use it to cut out the plastic of the transparent bottle. We cut out six petals, always placing the mold in the same direction on the plastic.

make flowers with plastic bottles

We pass the plastic petals over the candle, so that they curl slightly and with the help of the hot needle we make a hole in the base.

It is not easy to calculate how the heat of the candle is going to affect the petals, so I recommend you first practice with the remains of plastic that you are not going to use to see at what height and how the heat affects them.

make flowers with plastic bottles

When we have all the petals, we prepare a wire that we round slightly at one end, so that the pieces do not come out.

make flowers with plastic bottles

We are passing all the pieces through the wire, first the colored ones and then the transparent ones. Between piece and piece we place a drop of silicone.

make flowers with plastic bottles

We place the petals in a harmonious way and hold with a clamp pressing on the base of the flower until the silicone dries and the pieces remain fixed.

The final effect is very beautiful, because the flowers seem to be made of glass.

Source: A world of crafts

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