MS High Tack Adhesive Load Test + Contest

prueba de carga adhesivo - destacada

If you are a DIY fan, I think that, in addition to being interesting for you, this article will come in handy since, in addition to the load test, we are going to carry out a simple contest in which the winner will win a batch of Index products. A little further down you have the rules of the contest. Do not miss it and participate!!

Not long ago we published this other article Chemical anchoring and adhesive for high loads in which we tested the monocomponent hybrid polymer-based MS High Tack adhesive. With only two drops of adhesive we held a medium load.

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If you haven’t had the opportunity to see it, I advise you to do so since we will tell you everything about the MS High Tack adhesive and about the MO-H chemical anchor, both from Index to Perfect Fixing.

Well, today we are going to take it to the limit with a very heavy load.

The contest prize consists of this batch of products made up of:

  • A professional applicator gun for 300ml cartridges suitable for all types of adhesives, silicones and chemical anchors.
  • The MO-H chemical anchor.
  • And the High Tack adhesive that we will take today to the limit.

But before going into detail about the contest, let’s see what the load test will consist of.

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Load Test

The test that we are going to carry out will consist of adding controlled loads until the resistance of the adhesive collapses.

Leave a comment on our YouTube channel indicating the maximum load that you think it will support, interact on our page of Instagram and you can participate in the draw for this batch of products. The complete contest rules are below.

Before getting down to work we have to make the following clarification. Any type of fixing or anchoring can withstand two types of stress:

On the one hand, there is the shear strength, which is the force perpendicular to the axis of the anchor. And on the other, the tensile strength, which is the force parallel to the axis of the anchor. Well, the test we will do will be the latter, which is the most delicate.

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We are going to use this steel anchor that we will fix to this wooden structure with two small cords of High Tack adhesive of 3 cm2 each.

adhesive load test - photo 4And we will use a finer nozzle for the application of the adhesive to control the quantity provided.

We will hang the structure from these two wooden beams. And, by means of two slings we are going to suspend a heavy load, adding it little by little.

The starting point will be a weight of 65,600 kg provided by the base, plus a 25 kg bag of mortar.

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From here we will add small loads, until the joint collapses, or the structure that supports all the weight is in danger, in which case we will stop adding loads.

test video

So that you can get a clearer idea of ​​the test carried out, we include below the video of the entire process. Well, of all, we will reveal the final part in 15 days.

Competition rules



Participants must only meet the following two requirements:

    • Residents in Spain.
    • Over 18 years of age.


To qualify for the prize, each participant must perform the following actions:

    • Follow our channel
    • Indicate the weight you think the product can withstand, by commenting on this video.
    • Give a like to this video.
    • Follow our Instagram page
    • Mention at least 2 friends, challenging them to participate in the contest.
    • Like the contest post.

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    • We will carry out a resistance test of the super fast adhesive MS High Tack from Index.
    • To participate you must follow the steps that we have indicated in the “operation” section.
    • Whoever comes closest, without going over, to the maximum weight supported, will win the prize.
    • In case of a tie, the winner will be chosen through a random draw system in which only the finalists will enter.
    • Once the winner is selected, we will send you a private message on Instagram to provide us with your details for shipping. If after 3 days we do not have news of the winner, we will go to the participant who has been in second place, and so on.
    • Once the prize has been received, the winner must provide us, within 3 days, with a photo of themselves showing the batch of products, which both Bricoblog and Index can share on our social networks and other channels as the winner of the contest.
    • Within 7 days of receiving the winner’s photo, we will post the contest result on our Instagram page and on our YouTube channel, the video of which will include the end of the load test.


The contest will be governed by the time of mainland Spain.

    • Beginning: January 21, 2021 at 0 hours.
    • Ending: February 4, 2021 at 0 hours.


The prize will be made up of the following batch of Index products:

    • Mopissi Gun: Applicator gun for 300 ml cartridges of all types of adhesives, silicones and chemical anchors.
    • MO-H chemical anchorwhich we just tried.
    • MS High Tack Adhesive.

How long will the MS High Tack adhesive last?

You tell me.

Within 15 days we will reveal what the resistance limit has been and who is the winner of the contest.

Participate, and may the force be with you.


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