Old metal lockers reused for DIY decoration

Reutilizar las taquillas metálicas para decoración DIY - destacada

There are elements that, historically, have only been taken into account for their functional aspect, but that are now beginning to be taken into account for their aesthetics as well. They are even being used as decoration elements. I am referring specifically to the classic metal lockers.

In fact, there are companies that have dedicated themselves and continue to dedicate themselves to the exclusive manufacture and sale of this type of furniture, but already taking care of its aesthetics and making somewhat more elaborate designs. From the study that we have carried out on the internet, we have been able to verify that one of the current references in the sector of the manufacture of metal lockers is Setroc, manufacturing them both in series and to measure.

As I say, this type of furniture has been, until very recently, mainly exclusive to the industrial sector. To be fair, in addition to industry, it has also been widely used in gyms and sports centers, department stores and supermarkets, schools and study centers, and some other more specific types of businesses. Outside of these applications, its use has been relatively limited.

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Change of trend in the use of metal lockers

However, this is changing. Now its use is also being introduced in homes and homes, something that was totally unthinkable before. We are in the time when decoration has no limits. I would even go so far as to say that, at times, it borders on transgression.

Now we can include any element in our decoration, we just have to know how to combine them.

Today we are going to propose a radical change and, for this, we are going to use the traditional metal lockers.

Let’s get as much juice out of it as possible. On the one hand, we will take advantage of its undoubted storage capacity and as an organizer and, on the other, we will transform its sober and cold appearance into a much warmer, aesthetic and fun one.

Both new and used lockers and even old and deteriorated ones are valid. Above all, in the latter, we can print our own personality and state of mind, giving it a very personal touch.

Almost everything is allowed here. From changing their color, decorating them with certain images and texts, changing their own structure by removing some of the doors, transforming the metal locker into a bench, a chest of drawers or a table, etc. We could even choose to leave them as they are. It all depends on our tastes and, of course, on the environment that will surround this new decorative element.

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Whether you have an old locker and you don’t know what to do with it, or not, don’t miss all the ideas that we include in this article. Then we leave you a video in which we show you more than fifty ideas.

As you can see, lockers can be used a lot in different and disparate locations. Both in bedrooms, as in living rooms, in kitchens, bathrooms… and even in halls.


Decoration video reusing lockers

In this video we include more than fifty ideas to decorate reusing old lockers. We hope it will serve as a starting point for you to give free rein to your imagination.

Go ahead and start, if you haven’t already, to practice the DIY decoration.


Which of these ideas did you like the most? We would like you to leave us your opinion in the comments below.

Origen de las fotos: Pinterest


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