Online hardware store. Things you didn’t know you can buy

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In hardware stores, but especially in the online hardware store, you can buy things that you could not even imagine.

In the traditional hardware store, larger or smaller, the space is what it is. However, in the online hardware store, space is relative since it does not have to be located in a well-located commercial premises, nor does it have to be located in the same physical location.

online hardware store 0 – +Hardware store

The online hardware store

Continuing what I was saying, the online hardware store is the website, and the stores can be structured in different ways. The concept is totally different.

Proof of this, a few days ago, looking for an article that I needed and that I couldn’t find anywhere, I came across a online hardware storewhich was impressive what they had.

After a couple of hours, I ended up seeing things I didn’t need, completely forgetting what I was looking for, and enjoying the visit.

Well, in addition to having a super extensive catalog, they have things that I didn’t know you could buy at a hardware store or, some of them, anywhere else.

Things you didn’t know you can buy at a hardware store

The list could be endless, so below we will see the 6 things that most caught my attention.

rope connectors

At least I did not know that this small, cheap and practical accessory existed.

Either you are a master of knots, or knotting ropes, especially when they are made of nylon or laminated, such as those specifically for outdoor clotheslines, is quite a pain.

In addition to curious, it is super practical.



spring spring closes doors

We currently have, and I include myself the first, the bad habit of not fixing anything. When something breaks, we simply replace it, even if it sometimes means that we stop saving a good amount of money.

An example is the door closer springs, whose price is not exactly cheap.

Well, if we are somewhat crafty, we can open it and replace only the spring. The spring will return to full capacity for a quarter, or even more, of what a full spring is worth.

“Invisible” safe deposit box

online hardware store 3 - camouflaged safeI’ve seen safes of all kinds. Combination boxes, key boxes, flush-mounted, rim-mounted, larger, smaller… But I had never seen one like this.

A safe so well camouflaged that, having it in front of our eyes, it is impossible to see.

It requires work, since it is embedded in the wall. But you do not need to have any painting, furniture or object in front of you to not be seen.


Height-adjustable ceiling clothesline

online hardware store 4 - ceiling clotheslineThe extensible clotheslines that go from wall to wall, are already a classic. However, what caught my attention is the system of this other.

It is a clothes rack that is installed on the ceiling, and has a system of pulleys and a crank that, when we are loading it, is at our fully accessible height, and when the clothes are drying, they are attached to the ceiling.




Child swivel protector for sockets

online hardware store 5 - plug child protectionThis one I did know. In fact, I made one for my sons’ playroom. You can see this article Plug protection – DIY.

But what I didn’t know is that they sell them already made. If I had known how cheap this accessory is, I would have bought it without a doubt.


hand crank drill

hardware store online 6 - hand crank drillAs a child, I remember my grandfather using this type of drill, nowadays so archaic.

With so much supply of electric and battery drills today, and with such affordable prices in the DIY range, I had taken for granted that the manual crank drill no longer existed. In fact, he had never seen him again.

Yet here it is, still selling. Incredible, it seems that it is not in disuse as I thought.

Have you found an item in an online hardware store that has caught your attention?

If you have seen it, share it with all of us by leaving it in a comment.

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