Polished concrete as a finish for industrial flooring

In factories, warehouses and industry in general, flooring is sought that is resistant to impacts, heavy loads, intense traffic and chemical agents, among other aspects. Pavements that provide great durability.

Industrial polished concrete floors are an effective alternative to the intense traffic of heavy machinery that, sooner or later, causes scratches, stains, holes and, in general, a high degree of deterioration.

Untreated concrete pavements become rough, brittle, and gradually disintegrate, producing the appearance of fine dust.

Polished concrete is a flooring system that is characterized by being very hard, non-slip and totally smooth, with a very long useful life.

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Normally used in areas of heavy and intense traffic, such as industrial warehouses, car parks and shopping centers, among others.

Another notable aspect of polished concrete, also known as floated concrete, is that it is especially recommended for the construction of large surfaces.

This type of flooring, whose use is eminently industrial, has a minimum thickness of 20 cm, and the concrete used is highly resistant.


The advantages provided by polished concrete industrial flooring are many and of great importance.

  • The necessary investment in its maintenance is very low.
  • They stand out for their brightness and showiness, with their “mirror” effect.
  • Great resistance.
  • They are clean floors and free of bacteria.
  • They enjoy enormous durability.
  • They provide security.

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Below we will highlight some of the characteristics of polished concrete.

  • It is ideal for making surfaces of large extensions. As it is a highly malleable material, it expands at high speed when poured, allowing it to cover large areas in a short time.
  • Ideal for making durable and resistant pavements.
  • The application of its maintenance is easy, as it is a firm and compact material.
  • Its use supposes a great reduction of costs, in comparison with other materials used in the construction of pavements.
  • It also supposes a saving in the consumption of electrical energy. Polished concrete pavements have the quality of reflecting light, which makes it possible to reduce the consumption of artificial lighting.
  • Chemical products, such as cleaning and disinfection products, do not affect its integrity.
  • Its surface makes possible an enormous reduction of the absorption power of the concrete.
  • It provides great resistance against impacts, mechanical shocks, wear and abrasion.

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Maintenance of polished concrete pavements

The truth is that the maintenance of a polished concrete floor requires little care. As we have indicated previously, they are not very vulnerable to abrasion, wear and attack by chemical products.

However, despite this, over time it can deteriorate. So its maintenance is necessary.

The maintenance of polished concrete industrial floors consists of the application of a wet cleaning, by rubbing the surfaces with neutral pH chemical solutions. The products recommended for this operation are those formulated in aqueous base.

This operation can be carried out with both manual and automatic scrubbers, or with both. It is advisable that these scrubbers are microfiber, and never abrasive discs.

During maintenance operations, puddles or areas should never be left dry, since the chemical cleaning products themselves would cause the possible appearance of stains.

The maintenance process is that simple. It does not entail any type of subsequent polishing treatment.


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