practical guide to build yours and choose a mattress

Beds with wooden pallets continue to be a trend season after season. In addition to providing a modern and current touch to your bedroom, they are cheap and have become one of the main options for recycling pallets. As the mattress is an essential element of any bed, with this practical guide you will learn how to choose the best mattress for a pallet bed.

A bed with pallets it requires a good mattress to be able to enjoy it to the fullest and guarantee its comfort and convenience, but without neglecting its aesthetics and the elegance it brings to the bedroom.

pallet bed guide

Types of mattresses for a pallet bed

Wooden pallets provide good breathability to the mattress, similar to that of slatted bases, since the gaps between the slats help air to circulate freely. To know which mattress to choose for a pallet bed, we must know the types of mattresses that best adapt to its base.


The latex mattresses They are characterized, among other things, by being elastic and reducing pressure points, which provides the necessary comfort to rest. In addition, they are hypoallergenic but they are not thermo-adaptable, which prevents the body temperature from being transmitted to the mattress and they are hot.

There are a wide variety of models on the market with different sizes and weights, so it is easy to find one that fits the pallet bed and is light in weight. You can also buy them made of natural and synthetic latex:

  • Natural: it comes from the resin given off by rubber trees and is usually chosen by those who value totally natural materials. It is much more elastic and offers better adaptability (it recovers its original shape very quickly).
  • Synthetic: it is obtained mainly from petroleum and is therefore 100% chemical. It is cheaper than natural latex, although its durability is also lower (approximately 10 years).


These types of mattresses are mostly made of viscoelastic, a very ergonomic synthetic material that molds to the body, which in turn prevents muscle tension and deformation in the back and spine. In addition, they provide comfort and comfort to rest comfortably.

In case you want to buy a memory foam mattress, In the Sofareva store you can find a wide variety of prices and sizes to best fit the dimensions of your pallet bed.

pocket springs

The pocket spring mattresses They are adaptable and are made up of independent springs that are in turn protected by a bag that reduces noise. It should be noted that the springs, being independent of each other, only those where pressure is exerted or weight is placed are used.

To extend the useful life of this type of pocket spring mattress, the ideal is to turn it over regularly to prevent it from sinking quickly in the area where it is used most often. In fact, these mattresses are usually accompanied by a recommendation guide for use in which it is specified how often it is convenient to turn them over.

how to choose the most suitable mattress

What is the best mattress for a pallet bed?

When choosing the best mattress for a pallet bed the material and its firmness must be taken into account:

  • Material: Natural latex is ideal for those with asthma or dust allergies. On the other hand, pocket spring mattresses are a good option for double beds and hot people.
  • Firmness: depending on the position in which you sleep and your weight, you will need more or less firmness. For example, for a thin person a low or medium firmness is suitable, while a thicker person should choose a firmer mattress.

In short, any of the three types of mattresses indicated above are suitable for a pallet bed. Your choice will depend on:

  • Physical characteristics: the more weight, the greater firmness. If you share a bed and there is weight variation, viscoelastic mattresses mold to the body of each one.
  • Way of sleeping: if you sleep on your side, avoid the hardest mattresses
  • Respiratory conditions: if you are allergic, the best option is natural latex
  • Body temperature: choose the material that allows you to sleep more or less cool

how to choose a mattress for a pallet bed

How to make a pallet bed

The beds made with pallets are ecological, economical, resistant and durable. In addition, they fit into any style, be it industrial, classic, eco, vintage, among others. With a little creativity you can make a pallet bed that is authentic and original.

Before starting, it is highly recommended to treat the wood of the pallets, since it must be taken into account that they are mainly used to transport goods on ships, trucks, planes and any other similar means of transport. To do this, the steps to follow are:

  1. Sand the wood to smooth the surface and open the pore. In this way, the penetration of the treatment products is favored.
  2. Clean with water and bleach to remove mold and mildew stains.
  3. Remove the nails to avoid nailing them and so they don’t rust the wood.
  4. Apply a curative treatment that eliminates fungi and insects.
  5. Provide a finish with a clear varnish, a tint varnish or paint.

Next, you can now build the structure of your pallet bed by following these simple steps:

  1. Place one or two rows of pallets depending on how high you want the bed to be.
  2. Join the pallets by screwing them together and with metal brackets so that they do not separate.
  3. Screw some wheels with brakes into the base if you want to move it easily.
  4. Use a couple of pallets to make the headboard and fix them to the wall so they don’t move.

how to make a pallet bed step by step

Once you have finished your bed, all you have to do is place the mattress, so I hope that this practical guide has helped you choosing the best mattress for a pallet bed. You will find many more guides on DIY and decoration at and on .

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