Protect exterior wood, especially platforms

Wood is a material whose beauty and warmth are indisputable, enhancing everything that surrounds it.

Choosing a wood for interiors is quite simple, since the variety of types of wood, tones, grain, etc., is practically infinite.

However, when we talk about exterior wood, things change since not all species of wood are valid to withstand inclement weather.

To choose a wood suitable for exteriors, the values ​​of certain technical characteristics must be taken into account, and combined with a certain weighting. The aforementioned algorithm will return the index corresponding to the natural durability of wood.

If you want to know more about the technical characteristics of different species of wood, you can visit this other article technical characteristics of wood.

Protect exterior wood Platforms - Floor during treatment 8

State of the soil during the process. (From left to right: deteriorated platform, clean platform, platform with the treatment received).

Well, as I was saying, the natural durability of woodcan be improved to a certain extent, through preventive treatments that protect them from external agents, such as UV rays, the attack of xylophagous insects, and the appearance of fungi, among other dangers.

For all these reasons, in this article we show, step by step, how to protect exterior wood. Specifically, it is the protection of outdoor wooden platforms.

What product will we use?

For this preventive treatment or, what is the same, maintenance, we will use an advanced technology product, such as a NANO particle-based stain, specific for the protection of outdoor wooden floors.

It is the product Nano Tarimas, from Cedria. Which is recommended for all types of wood: both coniferous and tropical.

At the same time, it is specially designed to protect wooden floors that are very exposed to the sun, such as swimming pools and boat decks.

In fact, there is also a version anti-slipeven on wet ground.

Protect exterior wood Decks - Nano Decks Cedria 1

What properties does Nano Platforms have?

Briefly, so as not to overwhelm you with too much information, we can say that…

  • It has an exceptional resistance against climatic agents, as well as against salt water.
  • Maximum resistance against UV rays
  • As we have said, it is non-slip. Classified as Class 3 according to the corresponding standard.
  • It provides a long-lasting finish, which is between 18 months minimum, to 24 months.
  • It is quick drying. Dries in 1 hour. And repainting can be done in 2 hours.
  • And finally, being water-based, and therefore free of solvents, it is respectful of the environment.

Video to protect exterior wood

Although below we detail the steps to follow, to carry out the maintenance of outdoor wooden platforms, below we include an explanatory video, so that you can solve any doubt that may arise.

Steps to Protect Exterior Wood

Wood deck cleaning

The first and essential step for a correct and effective finish is to clean the wood of dust, any type of dirt or residue, and the remains of the previous application.


In case that the platform of wood he had been previously varnished, the sanded would required to leave the wood completely exposed.

In our case, as the previous treatment was also Lasur type, that is, “open pore”, to carry out the cleaning we can choose between two alternatives: a soft sanding, or a hydro-cleaner.

Sanding the flooring is an option that is very, very hard, since it requires great physical effort. In addition, during its realization, dust and sawdust are released that, once the sanding is finished, we have to remove completely. I personally rule it out outright whenever possible.

Protect exterior wood Platforms - Deteriorated floor 2


For this, the best there is is a hydro-cleaner.

It is clear that this option is, apparently, more expensive than the previous one. And I say “apparently”, because several aspects must be taken into account.

  • The physical effort that is made is minimal.
  • It will be used periodically, at least every two years, to protect exterior wood.
  • In all certainty, it will be used for other cleaning jobs other than outdoor flooring.
  • It should be seen as an investment (including investment in quality of life), and not as an expense.

Protect exterior wood Platforms - high pressure cleaning 3

To carry out the cleaning, the first thing we must do is completely clear the terrace or area on which we will work.

Once this is done, we connect the hydro-cleaner, and carry out the thorough cleaning, with an indicative pressure of between 80 and 120 bar.

Well, once this phase is finished, we let it dry, depending on the climate of each area, between 12 and 24 hours.

Protect exterior wood Platforms - Clean floor 4

Application of Nano Pallets to protect exterior wood

Once the wooden platform is well cleaned, it is time to apply the treatment with Nano Platforms, which has been specially formulated to resist weather agents, salt water, and UV rays.

The contact of the water with the wood, if it is permanent, over time can considerably reduce its technical characteristics. But much more harmful to wood is the scorching sun. Since it can completely deteriorate it in a short time, if we do not take action.

This is one of the reasons that made us choose Nano Pallets of Cedria.

For the application, we will use a tool specifically designed for this type of work. It’s about a paint-pad.

First layer of Nano Platforms

One of the recommendations, in terms of application, made by the manufacturer in its product data sheet are:

  • For new wood, two coats should be applied.
  • For previously treated wood, only one coat.

For the successive maintenance of the wood, as in our case, a single hand would suffice. However, we are going to give you two.

Protect exterior wood Platforms - First application 5

First hand application of Nano Platforms.

The first thing we will do is protect the skirting boards from stains with masking tape.

Once this is done, we open the cans of Nano Platforms, which you must have calculated beforehand based on the surface to be treated.

We stir them well, pour them into the painter’s bucket, attach the paint pad to the telescopic stick, and start with the application.

We wet the paint pad in the product, drain a little on the tray grid, and apply it on the platform, as if we were passing a mop, but with a little more pressure.

In a flash, the first layer is applied.

Second layer of Nano Platforms

Once the first layer is finished, we let it dry for 2 hours, in order to do the repainting.

The application form is identical as we did in the first hand. However, it is important to know that, for a correct absorption of the product, the wood must not get wet in the 48 hours after the application of Nano Tarimas.

Protect exterior wood Decks - Second application Nano Decks 6

Second hand of product application.

Finished work

Once the application is finished, we let 1 hour pass. And we have finished this year’s maintenance.

We only have to remove the protective tape that we put on the plinths, and enjoy our completely renovated wooden floor.

Protect exterior wood Platforms - Protected floor 7

There is always the option of hiring a professional to take care of protecting exterior wood, but of course you have to pay for this work.

As you may have seen, the maintenance of outdoor platforms is not very complicated, and the money savings that we can obtain if we do it ourselves is very important.

Utensils to protect exterior wood

Below we include the list of products and articles that we have used, and that we will use again every two years, to protect outdoor wood.

The thumbnail of each item links to the Amazon portal in case you want to see how much they can cost and even be able to buy the item or items you need.

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