Recycle glass with spray paint: decorative chandeliers

recycle liquor glasses with spray paint
If you have liquor glasses and you don’t know what to do with them, don’t miss this step by step to recycle glass with spray paint and obtain original decorative candle holders.
A long time ago I bought some crystal glasses in an online store thinking they were for water, but I didn’t pay attention to the measurements and they turned out to be for liquor. Although it is a format of glass that we do not usually use at home, I kept them in one of the kitchen cupboards since it was almost more expensive to return them than what I had paid for them. Months and months passed there until the other day, thinking how to make the most of some wooden balls, the light bulb went on: I could do upcycling and combine everything to make some decorative candle holders.

He had 3 wooden balls and 6 liquor glasses so he would use 3 of them as a base, the other 3 as candle holders and the wooden balls as a link between the two.

recycle liquor glasses with spray

Now that I knew what I wanted to do, I just had to decide how to do it so that it would be decorative as well as useful. The truth is that I did not have to think much because since I used spray paint for the first time to paint glass, I have practically not wanted to use another type of paint.

If you have ever painted on glass you will understand me perfectly. To begin with, you have to apply several layers of primer with a sponge brush because the first one always slips a little and does not completely cover the surface. In addition, a uniform finish without a trace of brushstrokes is not always achieved, sometimes it is necessary to pass a very fine sandpaper and it can be quite cumbersome when the glass has some type of carving or relief.

With spray paint, it only takes a few minutes to prime and paint the glass. and also the finish is smooth and evenso I consider that these reasons are sufficient to opt for recycle glass with spray paint instead of using other formats.

Materials to make decorative candle holders with liquor glasses

In addition to the glasses and the wooden balls, these are the materials that I have used to make the candlesticks:

– Hot glue gun
– PINTYPLUS spray primer
– PINTYPLUS ART chrome effect spray paint
– PINTYPLUS EVOLUTION matte black spray paint
– Chalk Paint Spray PINTYPLUS colors mint green, pale turquoise and turquoise
– PINTYPLUS matte spray varnish

The paints that I have used can be found in Aerosol Pinturas, and I also recommend that you read my post with tips and tricks to spray paint and get a good result.

How to recycle glass with spray paint step by step

The steps I took to make some candlesticks made from liquor glasses They were the following ones:

1º.- I cleaned the glasses with burning alcohol to remove traces of dirt. If you use any glass container that contains labels that are difficult to remove, do not miss this trick to remove the labels easily.

2º.- Then I gave him a spray primer coat at 6 glasses of liquor.

priming and recycling glass with spray paint

Although the primer dries to the touch in an hour, it is advisable to allow 24 hours to pass before applying the final paint to ensure good adhesion and prevent paint cracking.

3º.- The next day I painted the three glasses that were going to serve as the base with chrome effect spray paint.

chrome and recycle glass with spray paint

4º.- Once it had dried (approximately one hour), I “stained” the glasses with matte black spray paint. To do this, do not bring the spray can very close and press the valve without reaching the end.

age and recycle glass with spray paint

In this way you get a aged chrome.

5º.- Then I painted the other three glasses with chalk paint sprayeach of them in a different tone to create a scale of colors.

recycle glass with mint green chalk paint spray paint
recycle glass with pale turquoise chalk paint spray paint
recycle glass with turquoise chalk paint spray paint

6º.- Once the blackboard paint had dried (approximately half an hour), I applied a layer of matte spray varnish to protect the result.

varnish and recycle glass with chalk paint spray paint

Keep in mind that the varnish will slightly raise the tone of the painting.

7º.- To mount the candlestick I used the glue gun, I placed a little on the top and bottom of the wooden ball and adhered the two glass cups.


In the following video tutorial you can see the whole process.

To finish, I made a loop with natural rope, placed a candle and placed the candlesticks on a board of recycled wood.

recycle liquor glasses with spray paint

The chandeliers could have been painted the same but I love the three colors I used and the color scale effect When they are together.

recycle glass with spray paint

Thanks to chrome spray the base looks metallic so it gives the feeling that three different materials have been used instead of two (glass and wood).

recycle glass with spray paint

What did you think of this idea? recycle glass with spray paint and turn liquor glasses into candle holders? I am particularly happy to have managed to give a practical and decorative use to some glasses that had been stored in the back of a cupboard for years. In addition, with spray paint it is not only fast but it also achieves a perfect finish.

If you liked this post, you will find more ideas about recycling, decoration and DIY projects at .

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