Save electricity and pay less with the 2.0TD rate

Do you want to know how to pay less with the new 2.0TD rate? As of June 1, the electricity bill will be generally more expensive for domestic consumers with a contracted power of less than 15 kW. If you don’t want to be upset when the next receipt is loaded, don’t miss this guide with all the keys to save electricity at home in the most expensive time slot.

With the new 2.0TD rate, the price of electricity will depend much more on when the energy is consumed than on how much we consume, because three time discrimination periods:

  • Punta (P1): with the most expensive cost per kW and which will be from Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. (from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. in Ceuta and Melilla).
  • Flat (P2): with an average cost per kW and which will be from Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., and 10:00 p.m. Ceuta and melilla).
  • Valley (P3): with the cheapest cost per kW and which will be from Monday to Friday from 0 to 8 hours, weekends and national holidays.

new 2.0TD rates

How to pay less with the new 2.0TD rate

It is clear that in order to pay less with the new 2.0TD rate, we not only have to save energy, but also change our habits to do so at certain times. However, it will not always be possible since there are appliances such as the refrigerator that require them to be connected 24 hours a day.

Keep in mind that appliances represent a very important part of the total electricity consumption of a home. We already know that consumption is lower with efficient appliances with an A+, A++ and A+++ energy rating, but is it possible that they consume less in the peak period of the new 2.0TD rate? Yes, as long as these tips are followed.

No to “standby”

According to a study on energy consumption in the residential sector in Spain by the Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (IDAE), leaving our appliances on “stand by” or “at rest” represents a 2% of our total bill. Seen this way, it may not seem like much, but if we take into account that this percentage of consumption is due to doing nothing and exceeds the consumption of other appliances that are in operation, things change, right? In fact, a television in stand-by consumes as much electricity as a computer at full capacity.

In order not to go around plugging and unplugging electrical appliances that are not in operation, the use of timers or electric timer. These devices have a series of characteristics and advantages that make their use almost mandatory with the new electricity rate:

  • They allow to automatically control the switching on and off of different electrical appliances.
  • They use energy efficiently to reduce consumption.
  • Analog or manual timers are cheaper and easier to install than digital ones and are designed to control the daily programming of your devices.
  • Digital timers have various schedules and are ideal for weekly use, although they are more expensive and more complicated to install than analog ones.

The following video tutorial shows step by step how to program a timer to save with the new 2.0 TD tariff.

How to make the fridge consume less

The Fridge It is one of those electrical devices that we must have on permanently yes or yes, for this reason it represents an important percentage of the electrical consumption of our home. So that you do not consume more than necessary, we must take into account the following:

  • It must be well ventilated and away from heat sources, you must also leave a distance between the refrigerator and the wall and clean the grille on the back once a year. If the refrigerator is not well ventilated or the grill is covered with dust, the motor will overheat and require more power to work properly.
  • It is always advisable not to open the refrigerator door more than necessary, but it is also necessary to check that the door rubbers are in good condition and close hermetically, otherwise there will be loss of cold even if the refrigerator door is closed.
  • Before storing any food in the fridge we must make sure that it is cold. In addition, if we defrost food in the refrigerator, the energy that has been used to freeze it is used.
  • Adjust the temperature of the refrigerator and freezer according to the season of the year, since in winter it is not necessary to have it as low as in summer.

save energy from refrigerator consumption

Oven and ceramic hob at stripe

The ceramic hob and oven, are two appliances that we use quite frequently during peak and off-peak hours. Its consumption can be reduced if we follow some guidelines:

  • When cooking on the ceramic hob we will save energy if we use a saucepan or small saucepan with a thick bottom (distributes the heat better) and with a lid. We will also save if we lower the intensity of the heat when it starts to boil and turn off before the end of cookingtaking advantage of the residual heat to finish the preparation of the food.
  • Try to remove the food you have in the fridge with enough time so that it reaches room temperature before cooking it, in this way the cooking times will be shorter and you will save electricity.
  • To heat food it is more efficient to use the microwave as it requires less time.
  • Regarding the oven, each one is different, so it is convenient that we write down how long it takes to preheat and cook the food and adjust the times of the recipes, always turning it off a little earlier to take advantage of the residual heat. It is also not advisable to open the door if it is not necessary since a large amount of heat is lost.


When to put the washer and dryer

If you can’t wait for the weekend to put the washer and dryer in the off period and that electricity is cheaper for you, with these tips you will achieve a more economical and environmentally friendly wash:

  • Take full advantage of the capacity of the drum to fully charge the washer and dryer. You can also mix colored clothes, light and dark, using colored anti-transfer wipes, this way you will reduce the number of times you have to put both devices.
  • 90% of the electricity consumed by the washing machine is to heat the water, so use low-temperature programs whenever you can (between 0º C and 30º C).
  • Use short programs in the washing machine, if the garment is very dirty you can avoid pre-washing it by soaking it in detergent and rubbing the most persistent stains.
  • Spin the garments at high revolutions before putting them in the dryer so that it is not so wet.
  • Take advantage of the good weather to hang your clothes and use the dryer only when it is absolutely necessary.


washing dishes cheaper

Tricks to reduce electricity consumption dishwasher They are similar to those of the washing machine and are basically summarized in:

  • Charge it to its maximum capacity.
  • Use the cheapest program. We can soak very dirty pans and dishes with a little detergent for an hour before putting them in the dishwasher.
  • Clean filters regularly to improve performance.

Reduce the consumption of other household appliances

Adjust the temperature of the thermos or water heater at about 40º or 45º C will avoid having to mix it because it is too hot and wasting energy (paying more for it).

On the other hand, computers, television, the iron, the food processor… it all adds up to that monthly inconvenience caused by the electricity bill. For this reason, it is worth considering the following:

  • The television and the computer will consume less if the brightness of the screen is lowered.
  • Removing the screensaver from the computer and disconnecting peripherals such as the monitor, speakers or printers when we are not using them will also help reduce consumption.
  • Always set the iron to the right temperature and don’t leave it on longer than necessary. Use tricks to reduce wrinkles in clothes, in this way you will not only save electricity but also save time for yourself.
  • Although it is very little, laptop, tablet and mobile chargers also consume electricity when they have nothing connected.
  • Smart electronic devices or with technology smart home It will allow you to connect and disconnect them remotely and from your mobile phone.

eliminate the stand by of small appliances

Save electricity with air conditioning and heating

Another important part of our electricity bill is spending on HVAC systems such as air conditioning and electric radiators. They are essential to cope with very hot temperatures in summer and cold in winter, but we must also properly insulate our home so that there are no cold or heat leaks that trigger consumption.

So that the air-conditioning spend less we must:

  • Regulate the thermostat to a temperature not lower than 22º C.
  • Lower awnings and blinds in the hottest hours so that the house heats up as little as possible.
  • Place the external unit of the air conditioner in a shaded area.
  • Carry out good maintenance of the filters.

To save energy when we connect radiators must:

  • Regulate the temperature of the thermostat so that it does not exceed 20º C, it will be enough to maintain a pleasant temperature in the house.
  • Open the windows to ventilate the house for 10 or 15 minutes a day in the middle of the day, when the temperature is higher.
  • To make the most of the sun as a natural source of heat, open the blinds and curtains so that the sun enters fully.

how to save electricity

Pay less light in lighting

Although the lighting of your home It is not one of the factors that consumes the most, it should be taken into account when saving electricity at home. Therefore, in addition to using bulbs with LED technology, the following is recommended:

  • It is preferable to use punctual lighting than general lighting for work such as reading, studying, being in front of the computer, etc. For example, it is better to turn on the lamp on the bedside table if we are in bed instead of the general one on the ceiling.
  • Make the most of daylight, decorate your walls with light colors, raise the blinds and open the curtains and blinds to make the most of the light in the hours when it is dimmest.
  • The use of smart LED bulbs will allow you to check if you have left a light on or program them to turn on when consumption is cheaper.

save on lighting consumption

If you implement these tips to save electricity at home You will be able to pay less when the next bill arrives with the new 2021 electricity rates.

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