Spray painting indoors and outdoors, advantages and disadvantages

spray painting indoors or outdoors, advantages and disadvantages

usually floor spray paint indoors but a few weeks ago I also had the opportunity to spray paint outdoors. I came to the conclusion that both places have their advantages and disadvantages. Do you want to know what they are?

Whenever I am asked which format of paint is better, spray paint or can, I answer Galician style: depends. On the one hand, the spray paint finish is my favorite for several reasons:

  • It is smooth and even, with no brush or roller marks.
  • Provides a thin coat of paint, making it unnecessary to sand between coats.
  • Not having to use a brush guarantees that you will not find any bristles or hair by surprise once the paint has dried.

However, it is also true that spray paint takes some practice (don’t miss these tips and tricks to spray paint like a pro). In addition, spray paint generates a very fine powder, making it necessary to adequately protect the area to be painted.

This last fact leads us to think that it is more appropriate to spray paint outdoors (garden, terrace, balcony…) than inside our home, but that is not always how you will be able to verify.

Advantages and disadvantages of spray painting outdoors

spray painting outside, advantages and disadvantages
It should be noted that spray paint should always be applied in a ventilated place, either outdoors or indoors in a room with a window. In addition, you must use a mask suitable for spray painting (at this link you can buy the one I use).

The meteorological conditions they are the great enemy when it comes to spray painting outdoors:

  • The wind part of the paint can be taken so that we need more quantity to cover the same surface. In addition, it also causes the dust generated by the spray to settle on the freshly painted surface, affecting the final finish as it is not as smooth to the touch.
  • Paint exposed to direct sunlight It is also not recommended. One of its biggest drawbacks is that it can accelerate the drying process too much and cause the paint to crack, in fact the paint should not be exposed to temperatures above 50ยบ. On the other hand, direct sunlight can dazzle and cause us to miss areas that have not been painted correctly.
  • The humidity and cold It is another very important factor since it can affect both the adherence of the paint and its drying and curing. In case of painting outdoors, it is best to place the pieces indoors once they have dried to the touch to avoid the effects of weathering.

Of course Spray painting outdoors also has its advantages.

  • Allows greater freedom of movement.
  • Ventilation is guaranteed.
  • You can enjoy an outdoor activity.
  • You prevent dust from being generated inside your home.

In short, when deciding whether to paint outdoors, it will be necessary to assess above all if the weather conditions are adequate. Otherwise, it is better to do it indoors.

Advantages and disadvantages of spray painting indoors

spray paint inside the house

Not everyone has a terrace or garden, so you have no choice but to spray paint inside of your home (as is my case). The biggest drawbacks that we can find are the following:

  • Must protect from dust both the floor and the furniture, for this you can use from cardboard to newspapers, plastics, old blankets and towels, rubber tablecloths, etc. Also remember that you have to paint as close as possible to the ground to avoid raising too much dust, as well as not to hold down the spray valve more than necessary.
  • When you have finished painting you should clean the area as soon as possible since the dust can become fixed in the case of synthetic or epoxy paints. To do this, you must first pass the mop or a cloth, never the broom since the only thing you will achieve is to raise more dust. Then use a cleaning product (floor cleaner or furniture cleaner depending on the surface).
  • A poor lighting it can create shadows that make it difficult to see if the spray paint is being applied correctly. It does not hurt that you have an auxiliary light source at home (but not dazzling), when you go to do your spray painting work.

Despite the dust spray painting indoors also has its advantages:

  • The main one for me is comfortyou have everything at hand in case any complication may arise, such as cleaning products for splashes or accessories for your spray paint decorations.
  • The tranquility to know that an inopportune cloud will not suddenly appear and spoil your work. As well as a lower probability that some insect or animal will settle on your freshly painted furniture.
  • Greater control and reliability of drying times.

In short, for many there is no possibility of choosing between painting indoors or outdoors, so when it comes to doing it indoors, you should only take into account the recommendations indicated regarding ventilation, lighting and cleaning.

Is it better to spray paint indoors or outdoors?

spray paint under a covered porch or deck

Here comes the million dollar question: inside or outside? Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of painting in one place or another, my ideal situation is a combination of both. That is, a terrace or patio open to the outside but with a roof that minimizes unfavorable weather conditions.

As not all of us have that space (I the first), another option is to adapt to the space we have. In the case of painting in an interior room, choose one with little furniture, and in the case of a terrace, avoid hours of direct sunlight, as well as lower temperatures and higher incidence of humidity.

at the time of spray paint Did you do it indoors or outdoors? Which place has given you a better experience? On the other hand, keep in mind that not having an outdoor space is not an inconvenience when spray painting, in fact sometimes it is more advisable to paint indoors than outdoors.

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