Tip for a responsible use of water

Uso responsable del agua


We continue with our maxim:

Take care of the most valuable thing we have, our planet, carrying out respectful and efficient practices with the environment. Practices that individually do not lead anywhere, but that carried out collectively can have a much more satisfactory and positive result than we might think. Let’s all contribute our grain of sand. Especially when it comes to scarce resources such as water. Let’s make responsible use of water. . For this reason, today we are going to teach you a simple trick to save water, making efficient use of toilet tanks. This trick works for both new and old mechanisms. Let’s see first, the operation of this type of cisterns. The average capacity of domestic toilet tanks is about 6 litres. And we can find three types of mechanisms: 1) The old mechanism, which only has the possibility of total discharge. 2) Mechanism of a single button, but with the possibility of interrupting the discharge, by double pressing. 3) Two button mechanism. One for total discharge, and another for partial discharge (about 2 litres). . Regardless of the mechanism that we have, we can save 1.5 liters each time we carry out a total discharge, introducing a bottle of water inside the cistern. . How do you do it? Too easy: . First step: The first thing is to close the stopcock of the cistern and unload it, so that it does not overflow when introducing the bottle. . Second step: Then you have to remove the discharge button or, if the mechanism is to pull up, unscrew the pirinola. In the first case, you must unscrew the element where the button or buttons were located. . Third step: Now you just have to lift and remove the lid of the cistern. . Fourth step: You fill a 1.5 liter bottle with water and close it. Filling it is to prevent it from floating. And you introduce it in the opposite part to where the buoy and the rest of the mechanism are. . Fifth step: You do steps 1 and 2 in reverse, that is, you put the cover back on, thread the button housing, and insert it. . Clever! Every time you do a full flush you will save 1.5 liters of water. Since the space occupied by the bottle is never consumed. . Have you stopped to think about the effect that this simple action can have? If you make a daily average of 3 total discharges, it would mean a saving of 4.5 liters per day, which means 135 liters per month, and 49,275 liters per year. This you alone. . Now multiply by the family units in your city: An average city of 300,000 inhabitants could have an average of 100,000 family units. This would mean an annual saving in your city of 4,927.5 million liters, that is, 4,927,500 cubic meters of water. And so you can continue to expand the scope of action, your region, your country, … . If your water supplier bills you by cubic meters, you will probably not notice the economic savings, but I think that the overall result that we could achieve is worth it. . Here is a video that shows the steps indicated above:
Duration in minutes 1:24 . If you are committed to the environment or if you liked this article, pass the link to your friends and acquaintances. https://www.bricoblog.eu/trucos-responsible-use-of-water/

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. If you have any tips or ideas that can help improve and care for the environment, don’t hesitate, send it to us and we’ll publish it on your behalf. .

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