Tips when looking for and hiring a professional painter

On one occasion we contemplated the desirability of hire a professional painter or paint on your own, you can see it in this note. But when the work is too complex or risky and exceeds our knowledge, it is best to find a professional painter to do it. Another reason may be lack of time, as opposed to speed and professionalism, just qualities of a skilled worker.

How to find a professional painter

Perhaps the most common is word of mouth, and you find a contractor by references from acquaintances and friends. They will guide you on the price and the result they have obtained in hiring the painter. But now we have the Network available to look for a professional or a specialized company in paint jobs. Just enter a search engine and consult expert painters in your area of ​​residence.

If you are from Bilbao and its surroundings, you can look for professionals in Bilbao Painters. And through its website obtain more information about its services, work carried out, as well as contact forms to have an initial budget for the work you need to do.

Ask for more than one quote

Do not stay with the first painter you find, instead always ask for two, three or more budgets for the same job. This is not only to obtain the lowest price, but to know how each of the professionals would face it.

Remember that a real estimate can only be made if the expert visits the work in person. It is there where he will know what level of difficulty the task will have and will be able to make a real assessment.

Details the work and the expected result

Always detail the work to be done to each painter who makes a budget, especially so as not to have variations in prices.

Be specific about the square meters to be painted, what will and will not be painted, what degree of detail is necessary, and in what time frame the work should be done.

Take into account references, previous work and reputation

Before hiring a professional painter you should take into account their references or previous work done. This is something you easily know when looking for a contractor by recommendations of acquaintances. They will be able to tell you about his professionalism, and you will even be able to see the work done live.

scaffolding for painters

If you consult professionals online, ask for references from previous jobs, and take into account their reputation on exclusive platforms for professionals.

Inquire about materials

It seems that it is too much, but you should know if the budget includes the materials or not. If it includes them, check their qualities. If you don’t include them… ask for a recommendation of brands and quantities needed. In this way you can obtain a budget of materials in a specialized store.

How to distinguish a professional painter from the rest

High rise paint job

I do not want to belittle anyone who is just starting out in the trade, or who is not characterized by their professionalism, but there are points that distinguish professionals. These points should be taken into account if you need a good job, and you don’t care too much about the price:

Visit the place: A professional will make a visit to the construction site, making a visual inspection of the work and taking the corresponding measures.

Learn about materials and colors: The expert knows what material to use in each case, knows about brands and different application techniques. He knows how to combine colors, and which ones are the most appropriate according to the characteristics of the place.

Answer all questions: He is willing to answer the questions you ask him, to solve problems and come up with ideas to get a better job.

Prepare the surface: Preparation before application is essential for greater durability and final finish. If the professional takes time to prepare, it is a good sign.

Maintains cleanliness: An expert painter maintains order and cleanliness during work, not only for appearances, but also because in this way a better job is obtained and accidents are avoided.

Meet deadlines: If the work was duly visited and budgeted, the duration of the work would be within the deadlines, although it is usual for a few days to be added. Remember that painting works must be carried out in certain conditions of temperature, humidity and lighting, and sometimes the weather can play tricks on you.

Offers guarantees: A professional must give the guarantee of redoing or retouching a job, if it was not properly carried out, or suffered a deterioration as a result of the application, not due to external factors. And as long as he is within reasonable periods.

Has insurance and qualifications: A dedicated painter should have accident insurance for himself and the workers who perform the task, to release himself from responsibilities in case of accidents. In addition, he should have authorizations if the municipality or the place where he works requires it.

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